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Aleppo: Taxi and Autobus drivers resort to selling their allotments of diesel and petrol



حجم الخط:

Taxi and Autobus drivers in the Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods have begun to sell their allocations of diesel and gasoline that they get from gas stations through the automation card, and they prefer not to work at these times.

The correspondent of ASO News Network in Aleppo said that the owners of taxis and private cars resort to selling their allotments of diesel and gasoline at a high price due to the reason that they work for a long time without obtaining good work profits, and what they get from their work they spend on refilling the gas station, repairing faults, or paying traffic fines without leaving them any profit.

“Saeed Toubal,” a taxi driver, told ASO News Network, we wait for our turn at the gas station for a long time, and after we get only 20 liters, we start working, but the passengers arguing us to deliver them at the lowest possible price, and therefore we do not benefit from our work.

And he indicated that the allocations that we fill from the gas station are not enough for us for one day, and there are also some breakdowns, car repair expenses, and the high cost of spare parts. Therefore, I sell gasoline, and this is better for me than working long hours, spending gasoline on deliveries, and returning home without getting profits of the day.

According to “Toubal,” he sells a liter for 14,000 Syrian pounds, and if there are deliveries on his way back to the neighborhood, he transports passengers, thus ensuring comfort at home.

The owners of taxis and vans, after selling their diesel and gasoline provisions, which cause crowding, and civilians do not find taxis or vans to reach their work or schools.

“Burhan Ismail,” a Autobus driver working on the Sheikh Maqsoud line – Bab Jenin, told ASO News Network, there are traffic violations on a daily basis, as the traffic police deliberately stopped us saying that there is a violation of the lantern or that a daily receipt was not cut off, or other pretexts. And he continued, I saw that some of the owners of the cars sell diesel, and the profit from selling the allocations is greater than the profit from work, and I do not receive traffic violations, breakdowns, or problems, and from the money with which I sold the diesel, I refill it again and sell it, and so on.

The price of a liter of diesel at fuel shops has reached about 12,000 Syrian pounds, and there is a demand for it during the current winter to use it for heating. However, with taxi drivers and Autobus drivers selling their allocations, the transportation crisis is exacerbated and the lack of taxis and Autobuses to transport employees and students.

*The image is expressive from the network archive