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Calls from northern Syria to end the Turkish occupation and unite ranks with the Autonomous Administration areas



حجم الخط:

The voices of a segment of Syrians within the regions of northern Syria began to rise, calling for closeness to the regions of North-Easte Syria, and for giving it great importance, especially after the rapprochement between the Turkish regime and the Syrian government in recent times, and the ill intentions of the Turkish rapist were revealed, after these voices muffled the fear of arrests. And killing by factions loyal to the latter, for many years.

Walaa Azzam, an activist and journalist based in Idlib, believes that disengaging from the Turkish occupation has become of great importance, especially in the current situation.

In a statement to Aso News Network, she said, “Turkey has never been a friend and supporter of the Syrian people. Rather, it has worked since the beginning of the war on the principle of common interests between it and the countries with influence in Syria, such as: (America, Russia and Iran), where it accepted the handover of vast areas and provinces for the Syrian government and Russia forces in exchange for gains in the North-East Syria.”

She added: “The Turkish occupation state did not care about equipping the so-called “national army” with all the military capabilities to fight the Syrian government forces, and even ISIS. Rather, its goal in establishing was to fight the Syrian Democratic Forces and remove the Kurdish component from its borders because of its hostility to it.”

Through the Aso News Network, the activist and journalist calls on Syrians in northern Syria to unite with the Kurdish component, which is considered part of the Syrian demographic structure in Northern-Easte Syria.”

Azzam also believes that “the Turkish occupation state took advantage of the file of four million Syrian refugees on its territory to benefit from the aid provided to them by the European Union and to invest Syrian capital in reviving its deteriorating economy.

And she continues by saying: “The Syrians in the north of Syria must be aware of the reality of the Turkish occupier after its truth has been exposed, and unite with the Kurdish component because it is part of the Syrian demographic structure in the North-East Syria, and unite efforts to build a pluralistic, democratic state away from dependence on external states.”

The Syrian activist and journalist indicated, during her interview with Aso News Network, that the Kurdish component received Syrians from all governorates, and that the cities of northern and eastern Syria such as: (Al-Darbasiyah, Qamishlo / Qamishli and Afrin) were among the first cities that supported the Syrian revolution before it turned to militarization at the hands of armed militias, “the majority of Syrians disavow,” as she described them.

In the same context, the university youth “Alaa Qassem” (a pseudonym) from the city of Al-Bab in the eastern countryside of Aleppo believes that “Turkey has become a danger to the Syrians in the north of Syria, and no one knows what it plans in the future, and that it is used to gradualism in making its decisions.

It is believed that her recent statements about reconciliation with the Syrian government will be followed by “bad events” that both the Syrians residing in northern Syria and the refugees on its lands fear.

He added: “Since the beginning of the events in Syria, Erdogan has been calling for red lines, but he has given up on them, starting with Ghouta, then Homs, then Aleppo, then Hama, and now he is ready to give up Idlib in exchange for other gains.”

“Issam Mohammed (pseudonym), a young man from the countryside of Idlib, expresses his hope for an agreement between the regions of North-East Syria and the Syrian government, to remove the Turkish threat and leave Syria to its people, without any external interference in its internal affairs, as he said.

In turn, the feminist activist and director of one of the women’s empowerment centers in Idlib, “Salam Al-Ali” (pseudonym), said: “The Syrian people have never known the distinction between their components, and peaceful coexistence prevailed among all, but the ongoing war and” The regional division, “has caused a rift between some of the people of those components.”

She added: “Despite all this, the largest segment of the Syrian people believes in the necessity of peaceful coexistence and recognition of all components, with some errors issued at an individual level, and the dissemination of hate speech, especially through social media.”

Al-Ali continues: “It is good to activate cooperation with the regions of North-Eastern Syria, but on the other hand, there is difficulty due to the military control authorities and the presence of Turkey as a force that controls all aspects of life within its areas of control, in addition to the difficulty of convincing the factions loyal to it of the necessity of disengaging from them and uniting with the Syrian Democratic Forces.”

Al-Ali believes that “the solution is to find a way out of the Syrian crisis by making concessions for Syria, which has been exhausted by war for more than 10 years.”

These views in support of the idea of ​​rapprochement between northern Syria and the regions of North-East Syria have revealed the extent to which the popular welcome for the Turkish occupation has declined, especially in light of the recent political changes and events, in light of the violations and actions it undertakes, such as controlling the livelihood of civilians and imposing its language and currency, in addition to the influence of the armed factions loyal to it over areas under their control and intimidation of the people.