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Afrin: Major thefts in the olive season by gunmen and settlers



حجم الخط:

For the fourth year in a row, the residents of Afrin suffer from looting and major thefts that affect the olive seasons every year.

The leaders and militants of the National Army factions earn hundreds of thousands of dollars each season by imposing royalties and taxes on each season, in addition to the thefts carried out by the militants and settlers during the picking season.

Private sources from Afrin revealed to Aso News Network that an olive field containing 180 olive trees in the village of Juwaiq in the district of Al-Markaz, owned by an elderly woman in Afrin, was completely robbed and this year’s crop was harvested.

According to what was reported by the owner of the field, whose name we refuse to mention for fear of security persecution, as she confirmed that since last year she has been taking care of the field because it has a seasonal season, and two days ago, she transferred the picking workers and headed towards her field, but she was surprised that the entire field was harvested and they did not leave her Anything.

The village of Juwaiq is under the control of the notorious Al-Hamzat Division, as there have been many cases of theft of olive fields in the villages of Afrin, especially those under the control of Al-Hamzat Division, Samarqand Brigade and other factions, some of which have hired more than 100 workers who carry out the theft in broad daylight without any accountability or monitoring, and the owners of many olive fields were beaten and insulted while trying to defend their property and prevent the theft of their seasons.

The armed factions are still forcibly seizing all the property of the people of Afrin, who were accused of self-defense service or joining the ranks of the People’s Protection Units, despite having spent the sentence imposed on them in the prisons of the National Army factions, in addition to paying large financial fines and obtaining a clearance document, but that their property has not been recovered under the pretext that it is spoils of war and they are not entitled to claim it. Anyone who tries to recover his property is again subjected to arrest and financial fines again.