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The symbolism of a ISIS is falling in Syria …



حجم الخط:

A 26-truck with trailer loaded with people remaining in Al-Baghouz in the countryside of Deir Al-Zour was evacuated on Wednesday to areas outside the control of the organization towards the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces, a correspondent of Aso news network in Deir Al-Zour (the areas are being liberated now) said.

Sources told Aso news network that the destination of the vehicles was to the various camps under the control of Self-Administration in order to investigate the presence of fighters among them.

Each “truck with trailer” carried about 100 men, women and children.

Official sources said that the batch that came out is another batch of civilians, while unofficial sources speculated that the batch, included the leaders and elements of ISIS with their families, and succumbed to surrender, days after the decision of SDF and the international Coalition of cease-fire towards Al Baghuoz.

The correspondent mentioned that at least (2000) person constitute of ISIS leaders did not get out of last enclave under the control of the organization in Al Baghuoz.

The correspondent described the front line where the military forces stand and coalition aircraft hovering in the sky, and behind them the media and journalists, about one kilometer from the area where the remaining elements of ISIS with their families who did not surrender. “Elements can be seen moving in a distance of one kilometer by eyes in the space remaining, which is not more than one square kilometer,” the correspondent said.

The Syrian Democratic Forces announced a few days before, the fall of Al Baghouz as firing, a military sources said that the cessation of fighting comes in an attempt to the remaining elements of the organization surrender, especially in the presence of families, women and children, in the place.

The correspondent confirmed that among those who came out on Wednesday, elements of ISIS immigrants from different nationalities, and they went to unspecified points, where the international coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces kept silent on their destination “until the completion of the investigations and to identify their identities as well, according to an informed source.”

“Those who came out were without weapons and of different nationalities, including foreigners from Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Britain, Turkey and others,” the correspondent said.

A military source (who declined to be identified) told Aso news network that the file of the leaders of ISIS, which surrendered or remained will be in the hands of the Syrian Democratic Forces and the International Coalition, stressing that there is a residual section of ISIS fighters from leaders in the area not controlled, refusing coming out “.

The military source added that the remaining fighters want to complete the battle without surrounding.

Informed sources said that the International Coalition and the Syrian Democratic Forces have the desire that the remaining elements of the organization, who did not surrender to do that without the continuation of fighting on the grounds, where there are women and children in case of fighting, they will be at risk as a result of military operations. Adding that SDF prefers the policy of waiting to resolve to any military action that could result in the victims of women and children.”

Information was circulated about the possibility of the presence of the leader of ISIS organization “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi” in the countryside of Deir al-Zour, but more than a source located in the countryside of Deir Al-Zour confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and other leaders of ISIS have fled the region for an indefinite period as they said.

Syrian democratic forces and the international coalition forces are waiting for the moment to declare the elimination of ISIS in Syria with the end of its military presence.

SDF has outlined its plan for the next phase, including the follow-up of the elimination of ISIS terrorist cells.