Residents of areas suffering from terrorism express their opinion about the killing of the leader of ISIS

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the world’s most wanted terrorist, was killed Sunday in a US raid on his house in Barisha village of Idlib countryside near the Turkish border.
SDF said that the operation was carried out with intelligence cooperation, which took place between them and the international coalition, to determine the whereabouts of Baghdadi.
The helicopters were launched from the airport in Erbil, capital of the Kurdistan region of Iraq.
Al-Baghdadi was associated with horrific massacres against civilians, capturing women and selling them in the slavery market, looting oil and livelihoods, sabotaging infrastructure in Iraq and Syria, as well as many terrorist attacks in the world, such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Egypt, Libya, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Russia, Europe and America.
In Deir Ezzor, Mohammed al-Ali, from Abu Hamam village, said that the killing of al-Baghdadi is good and contributes to the destruction and disintegration of the terrorist system associated with it, which will in the future alleviate terrorist acts in the world, but “al-Ali” did not hide his fear of the reaction of his cells in the region, He noted the need to beware of this matter and take security precautions.
“Salem al-Dhaly” from the village of Shehabat in Deir Ezzor countryside, pleased to hear the news of the killing of Baghdadi, despite hearing the news of his death more than once previously?
Al-Dhaly questioned the timing of his announcement and how he arrived in Idlib, despite rumors that Baghdadi was besieged in the town of Baghouz.
As for the “shadow” he had hoped that Baghdadi would be arrested alive to be tried for his heinous crimes, instead of killing him in this way.
In Manbij, the reporter of the Aso news network said that the reaction of the residents was a general joy, considering that the snake’s head was cut off, the snake that was leading the worst terrorist organization that did not escape from its extremist practices any house in the city.
When ISIS took control of Manbij, it did not interfere in any affairs of the people, but after the first two months, they started arresting young men under the pretext of praying and dressing. Her actions killed the first young man and suspended him in the public square on charges of corruption in the land, and it became clear after a period that the young man was innocent of what was attributed to him.
Al-Ali considers that the victims of this extremist organization will rest in their graves now after the killing of al-Baghdadi, including his friend, who beheaded at the roundabout in the city.
“Abu Mohammed,” said: the people of Manbij, joyful killing Al-Baghdadi distribute candy to children and parents in the neighborhood, and according to him, Baghdadi received a penalty for what he committed his hands.
Abu Mohammed knows nothing about his son, who has been absent in ISIS prisons since he took control of the city, and does not know if he is alive or dead. His son was accused of belonging to the Free Army factions, although he could not take up arms because of a motorcycle accident.
The status of joy is widespread among the people under these mysterious circumstances, but most of them have a lot of questions, including how Al-Baghdadi arrived in Idlib? Has the extremist organization really ended up killing him? What will the members of the organization who are among the residents do as sleeper cells? Will they disintegrate?
Many questions haunt the people and make them fearful of the organization’s retaliation against them.