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Brothels… One of the investments of the factions loyal to the Turkish occupation in their areas of control



حجم الخط:

Brothels are one of the means used by the leaders of the armed factions loyal to the Turkish occupation in order to gain wealth and satisfy their desires, as girls and young men are lured and caught in organized prostitution networks, which falls under the category of human trafficking.

The brothels and their locations became visible, and witnesses attributed the reasons for the remarkable spread to the absence of legal oversight and the state of security chaos, in addition to the greed and multiplicity of armed factions.

Aso News Network obtained confirmed information about the distribution of brothels within the areas under the control of the armed factions loyal to the Turkish occupation, and the names of some military figures, male and female workers in prostitution under a security cover, in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

A human rights activist in the northern countryside of Aleppo, Amjad Darwish, who is a pseudonym, told Aso News Network that the most famous factions supervising brothels are Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya, Sultan Murad Division, the Sultan Suleiman Shah Division – Corps of Sham and Hamzat, which contains the town of Azaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo. On 10 brothels under the knowledge and supervision of the leaders of Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya and the so-called Military Police.

Amjad confirmed that the so-called “Bakri Jejo”, a military journalist within Al-Jabha Al-Shamiya faction, whose fortune is estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars, runs several brothels in the town of Souran, affiliated to Azaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo, and lure young people to go to brothels.

The human rights activist, “Amjad Darwish,” referred to a woman named “Wajiha Nanis” in the village of Kufra, affiliated to Azaz, who supervises several brothels and traps girls to do this work.

In Afrin, brothels are under the supervision of Jayish Islam faction, including a brothel in “Teranda” where four women work under the protection of the armed faction, and it is forbidden to file any complaint against this house by the residents of the area.
“Abu Ali Al-Heibi” of the Sultan Murad faction and the security official of the village of “Deir Sawan” of the city of Afrin is also known for his supervision and support for brothels in it.

Amjad Darwish revealed that the ground floor of Serêkaniyê / Ras al-Ain Hospital has been designated as a brothel with the knowledge of the military police there, and is frequented by Turkish and Syrian doctors and hospital officials, as he said.

In the city of al-Bab in the northern countryside of Aleppo, the brothels are under the protection of the so-called “Tariq al-Sheikh,” a military officer affiliated with the Military Police, in exchange for monthly sums of money from the so-called “Umm Nada,” who oversees their management.

The human rights activist, “Amjad Darwish” mentioned that in the Sheikh Hadid / Shih district, which is under the control of the Sultan Suleiman faction led by the so-called “Mohammad Al-Jassem” Abu Amsha, the brothels are under the protection of the faction leader and his five brothers, pointing to the large number of rape cases they commit.

He shows that these people follow “criminal” methods to get girls, especially the “Kurd” girls remaining in the region, where they arrest their parents, and then kidnap them, he says.

The same source emphasized that prostitution networks take advantage of the difficult living conditions in the region and work to attract girls and women who have lost their husbands and fathers, especially from displaced families.

In a related context, “Qais Abdel Hamid” from Azaz told Aso News Network that the region, after the control of the armed factions, has become a fertile ground for all negative manifestations, as drug abuse, human trafficking, thefts and kidnappings have spread, which contributed greatly to the disintegration of society.

He added, “Communications and the Internet have contributed to the growth of the phenomenon of prostitution and its increase significantly, and social media has been used to spread and promote it, and the deterioration of living conditions and corruption of organizations and factions have helped in increasing it, in addition to the presence of large numbers of families without a breadwinner after his death or arrest.”
He asserts that the faction’s members are more frequenters of “brothels” despite their showing and emphasizing religious commitment through their checkpoints, which are deployed under the name of “fighting evil and legal violations.”

It is worth noting that the elements of the armed factions did not leave any means in order to raise funds and consolidate their influence except to follow them in the region. It participated in killings, kidnappings, thefts, imposing royalties and taxes, confiscating property, prostitution and drug trafficking, all under the watchful eye of the Turkish occupation authorities in order to implement their agendas in the occupied areas of North-East Syria.