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The death of two children due to the severe cold in Sheikh Maqsoud



حجم الخط:

Two deaths were recorded as a result of the severe cold, for a child and an infant, in Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood due to the cold, as the low temperatures caused the death of the four-year-old “Wissam Sido” a few days ago, and the 17-day-old baby “Hussein Kibar” died as a result of damage to the lungs.

The correspondent of the Aso News Network in Aleppo said, due to the lack of heating means, low temperatures, and the inability of many families in the Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods to buy diesel fuel and firewood, many cases of severe colds have been recorded, and they were taken to the hospital, and some of them are under treatment.

“Basil Ghassan,” a nurse in the emergency department of the neighborhood hospital, told Aso News Network that most of the emergency cases that come to the hospital are for children or the elderly who have been exposed to a severe cold that affected the respiratory system or lungs, severe influenza cases, coughing, and all of these are because of the extreme cold.

And he indicated that the hospital is currently on alert to confront these cases, despite the weak capabilities in light of the continued blockade and the loss of some types of medicines, and he added that there are a large number of cases that have arrived at the hospital due to severe cold and the lack of means of heating.

The weather is very cold at the present time, especially at night and until the morning, and it is noticed that some families do not have doors for rooms and windows, and they rely on nylon to close and block them, and this does not stop the severe cold.

A large number of people in al-Ashrafieh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods suffer from the lack of heating means, as a large part of them did not receive the diesel allocations.

“Guli Khalil,” a resident of al-Ashrafieh neighborhood, told Aso News Network, “My children had severe colds, so I took them to the doctor for examination, and their temperatures were low because they were exposed to severe cold, and she indicated that she did not have a heating stove due to their poor financial capabilities, so the price of firewood has reached about 2,500.” Syrian pounds and a liter of diesel has become 16 thousand Syrian pounds.

And “Guli” covers her children under the blankets so as not to expose them to extreme cold, and if the weather is sunny, she asks them to sit in the sun, and she has no ability to do otherwise.

The price of a barrel of diesel has reached about two million and seven hundred thousand Syrian pounds, with the continued lack of diesel and the non-entry of diesel tanks into the two neighborhoods.

*The image is expressive from the internet