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The Turkish occupation is destroying vital facilities and infrastructure in NES (Syria



حجم الخط:

Turkish drones have carried out dozens of strikes on vital facilities and strategic installations in North-East Syria since the morning of Thursday, October 5.

ASO News Network correspondents in the cities of North-East Syria reported that drones targeted electricity, gas and oil stations, most notably the Swaidiyeh station that feeds the service lines, which put them out of service and thus most of the vital facilities were out of service in the cities of Qamishlo/Al-Qamishli and Derik/Al-Malikiyah and their affiliated towns as a result of the outage of electricity, especially water stations, furnaces and mills.

The co-chair of the Energy Authority in North and East Syria, Ziad Rustom, explained to ASO News Network that the Turkish occupation marches targeted vital facilities and caused severe damage to the facilities, which are:

-The Western Dam power station in the city of al-Hasakah is out of service, and it used to supply the neighborhoods of Al-Omran, Al-Kalala, Al-Nashwa, Al-Sharia, and the western countryside, all the way to Jabal Abdul Aziz.

-Qamishlo North Electricity Station. The station was targeted twice on October 5 and 6, and was completely damaged, putting it out of service. It supplied half of Qamishlo’s neighborhoods and vital lines, including silos, mail, automatic ovens, and other service facilities.

-Amuda power station was out of service after it was damaged by a Turkish drone bombing. It was supplying the entire city of Amuda and its countryside with electricity. It was also supplying al-Darbasiyah power station and the wells of Alouk water station in the countryside of SereKaniye/Ras al-Ain, which led to the station being out of service and water being cut off from the water station. The entire city of al-Hasakah and the town of Tal Tamr.

Since the night of October 5, the Turkish occupation marches have targeted many oil facilities, which include oil collection and the transfer of gas and electricity to cities, towns and villages of al-Jazira region, in addition to targeting (Swaidiyeh) turbine assembly station that supplies the entire al-Jazira region with electricity on the morning of Friday, October 6 of this year. .

An administrator at the gas plant located in Garzero/Tal Adas in al-kujarat region of the city of Derik told ASO news network that many oil facilities were bombed, and as a result the gas line extending from al-Odeh field in the northern countryside of Tirba Sipye/Al-Qahtaniyah district to the turbine station was out of service. Oil and gas conversion and assembly stations (Awda field, Saeeda, Swaidiyeh 2 station, cooling circuit station, and Tafila station) were also subjected to major damage, rendering them out of service.

The Swaidiyeh station, southeast of Rumailan, also went out of service, after it was severely damaged by being targeted by the Turkish marches. Three turbines need replacement parts such as transformers and other replacement parts, and the fourth turbine needs cables. The Autonomous Administration does not own these parts, and the maintenance and rehabilitation of the station needs international companies.

The administrator at the gas plant added that the damage to the oil facilities is estimated at millions of dollars and requires a long period of time to repair the damage.

Last night, a correspondent of ASO News Network reported that the water desalination station in Khana Seri, in the western of Derik countryside, was targeted. The station filters the water of the Tigris River, which supplies the region with drinking water.

The Turkish occupation’s practices of targeting infrastructure in North-East Syria are a violation of human rights according to international humanitarian law, as the Turkish occupation state follows, during its systematic attacks, targeting infrastructure and vital installations in North-East Syria, and causing damage to public facilities, amid the international community’s silence about the violations. The Turkish occupation against civilians, depriving civilians of access to basic services, especially water, electricity, and fuel.

*Image from the internet