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An accidental gunshot wound causes the death of two girls in Al-Hasakah countryside



حجم الخط:

The two girls, Qadriya Al-Jardo (7 years old) and Joriya Al-Jardo (5 years old), lost their lives on Sunday by an accidental gunshot wound in the countryside of Tal Barak district, north of Al-Hasakah.

Mohammad Al-Jardo, a relative of the two girls, told ASO News Network that the two girls (Qadriya and Joriya) are sisters and were accidentally shot while their uncle was cleaning his weapon in the village of Kharab al-Sweifat, which is 13 km away from the Tal Barak district.

He pointed out that the two girls were hit by two bullets and were taken to Al-Raja Hospital in Al-Hasakah, but they died.

Meanwhile, the doctor on duty in the ambulance department at Al-Raja Specialized Hospital, Mayaz Sheikhmous, confirmed to ASO News Network that the two girls arrived dead at the hospital around 11:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.

She indicated that one of them was hit in the head and the other in the neck, which led to their immediate death, she said.

In turn, a security source in the Internal Security Forces (Asayish) indicated, while he was in the hospital, that an investigation had been opened into the case and a follow-up of the circumstances of the incident.

*The Picture is from the internet