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For the second time in a month… the owners of internal transportation services in Al-Hasakah went on strike



حجم الخط:

Local transport drivers (minibuses) went on strike today, Saturday, for the second time this month, as a result of the reduction in their diesel allocations.

A service driver working on Al-Salhiya neighborhood line in Al-Hasakah told ASO News Network that they went on strike because of the reduction in quantity and the prevention of raising transportation fees.

He added that all the buses operating on the internal transport lines went on strike, in addition to the buses allocated to the lines of Washokani and Sere Kaniye camps for displaced persons, and the towns of Safaya, Tuwaina, and Al-Hawl.

According to the driver, the amount allocated to taxis was reduced from 120 liters to 60 liters per week.

The driver, who preferred to remain anonymous, pointed out that “the quantity specified by the municipality is not sufficient, which forces us to buy from the free market at a price of 4,700 Syrian pounds.”

*The Image is from the network archive