Conflicting news about victims’ presence

There were conflicting reports about the presence of victims following a suicide bombing targeted a checkpoint belonging to the Asayish Internal Security Forces in RojAva/the province of Al Jazira, in the southern al Hasaka countryside.
Witnesses told Aso news network that the checkpoint of the village of “47” near the city of Shaddadi “, was subjected to a suicide attack, without saying human damage.
There was a convoy that included a vehicle for the Syrian Democratic Forces and a convoy of US troops, which would cross the checkpoint during the blast.
The sources said there were no casualties among US forces and Syria’s democratic forces, sources were being contacted with, speculated that there are no victims among the Americans and SDF fighters, but confirmed that flight was flying after the suicide bombing immediately.
“Asayish” issued a statement saying that a member of Asayish, a woman was wounded by the blast, and was reffered to a hospital for treatment. The statement did not mention the victims of the Syrian Democratic Forces and US forces.
One witness told Aso news network (we could not confirm the information) that US fighters were able to avoid the explosion (…) to get out of the military vehicle.
Activists who were able to reach a place far from the blast scene and were not allowed to find out closely, they also spoke of the absence of victims among SDF and US forces at the site of the bombing.
The area where the blast occurred was a stronghold of ISIS organization before and it was liberated by the Syrian Democratic Forces and the international coalition.
No official statement has been issued by the Syrian Democratic Forces and the International Coalition on the suicide, and if there are military and coordinated casualties.
This is the second violent attack after the bombing in Manbij a few days ago, which resulted in the death of civilians and US fighters and coordinaters between the coalition and SDF forces and members of the Manbij military Council as well.