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An endless march of pain for Hadia after she lost her daughter in front of her eyes in Kobani massacre



حجم الخط:

An endless march of pain for Hadia after she lost her daughter in front of her eyes in Kobani massacre
Aso “My daughter was only a few steps away from me when she was shot in the head,” said the 40-year-old Hadia Ibrahim, who looked at her 7-year-old son in the front yard of her home in Derek / al Malikiya after leaving Kobani / north of Syria years ago.

The four years of her life did not stop her thinking for a moment of her daughter (Sivana Ibrahim), who lost her life by the hands of ISIS during the recent attack on Kobani on the morning of June 25, 2015.

Hadia says, “I did not believe at first that my daughter was martyred, she was shot in the head in front of my eyes. Then she fell to the ground. Everyone around me told me she was still alive, but in fact she died, How a mother can endure like a such moment?”.

The 14-year-old Sivana was not the only Hadia family killed that day. Eight of her mother’s brothers were shot dead by ISIS organization, their bodies lying in the neighborhoods of Kobani, a scene difficult to be forgotten from the memory of 40-year-old woman.
Hadia talks to Aso news network and removes with her both hands the picture of her daughter and others who have lost their lives from her family.

Seven days, the body of the daughter and the rest of her family were buried in a village in rural Kobani, before being transferred and buried in the “cemetery of martyrs” in the city.

“Even today, I can not believe that Daesh organization is over. I am still terrified every day that my five other children will face a fate similar to the fate of Sivana,” Hadia continues with a rattled sound of cry.

Today she lives with her family in one of Derik / al Malikya’s houses, and pays her wages for her husband’s work, which barely helps them meet their daily needs.

There are many human stories that may be similar to the story of Hadia and her family and what happened to them in the massacre of Kobani, but the revelation does not include everyone. There are those who do not want to return painful events that lived there, and prefer to keep them in the depths even when far from his city. Hadia remains a vivid example of the long suffering of a people who have suffered the scourge of war and the effects of terrorism in Syria.

The photo from the internet