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Sere Kaniye is a model: duplication of education at the Autonomous Administration … a barrier to students and confusion for parents



حجم الخط:

Aso-Benjamin Ahmed
Autumn and the arrival of September each year, is associated with the beginning of the first semester of a new school year, where parents start preparations for the school, and the purchase of clothing and stationery, as students stand by to start preparing for school.
In the city of Seri Kaniye / Ras al-Ain, which we have chosen, it is one of the cities under the control of the Democratic Autonomous Administration, and will be based on curricula of the Autonomous Administration education in Kurdish, Arabic, and Syriac, which make people confused and feel instability regarding education of their children so far.

It went to the upper secondary management curriculum, one of the students of the secondary school, who prefer not to present her name, say about prohibiting the high school in the areas controlled by the Autonomous Administration will lead to a crisis to many parents, who won’t be able to compensate the closing down of the governmental schools to burden the cost of private lessons for the Syrian government curriculum for teaching their children.

Closing secondary schools, will force high school students, either studying in the government-controlled areas (Hasakah and Qamishlo /Al Qamishli security squares), or undergoing private and expensive courses (..)!

The Autonomous Administration prints the educational curricula in the printing presses belonging to the Administration institutions in the region.

Umm Bashar ( from Sere Kaniye) is preparing to move to Hasakah, wishing that her children at schools affiliated to the Syrian government and says, we sought to move to secure our children’s carrier, despite the difficult circumstances we pass in, in addition to the high agars of real estates, but I have two children in basic education and I have to secure their carrier.

Says Ahmad , who is an educational employee, the choice of people to the return of the regime’s curriculum is not a reject for the Autonomous Administration curriculum as much as a Fear of the unknown in the field of education, in addition to the lack of recognition of Autonomous curriculum leads to the intimidation of the people.”

“Umm Bashar” adds that her children studied the intermediate stage of the Autonomous Administration curriculum, but their level has declined “because of the weakness of educational staff.”

In the other side says “Abu Mohammed” the his son will the first class this year, and because there is no presence for the governmental schools he is forced to study at the Autonomous Administration school,” and adds, “ there is no recognition with the Autonomous Administration curriculum so far.”
As for “Abu Yussef” wishes if the Autonomous Administration curriculum would be recognized , “My desire stems from my children learn in their mother tongue” Kurdish”, there is no formal recognition of the educational system of the Autonomous Administration, but it must be recognized (..)!”.

The joint presidency of the Educational Complex in Sere Kaniye, the Qualifying Schools for Education, belonging to the Democratic Autonomous Administration Schools in Sere Kaniye and its rural suburbs (148) elementary-intermediate schools, and 6 secondary schools, in addition to about 1400 male and female teachers, who have undergone courses in curricula and teaching methods according to the joint presidency In an interview with Aso News Network.

The joint-presidency, mentioned that the expected number of students for 2019-2020 to reach to about 20,000 students.

It is worth mentioning that this year; the Autonomous Administration went to introduce its curriculum to the secondary stage fully until the baccalaureate degree. For this there won’t be any governmental schools to receive the students
* Photo from the archive