Highlights of the joint press conference between the Foreign Relations Committee and the Health Authority in Qamishlo

Aso-Lorraine Sabri
Abdul Karim Omar, head of the Department of Foreign Affairs Said:
30 cases have come to us, which are proof of the Turkish army’s use of internationally prohibited and prohibited weapons.
*To date, no international medical team has cooperated to detect violations used by Turkey.
* We have reached out too many international legal bodies in order to expose these violations in the city of Sari Kaneh / Ras al-Ain specifically.
* We learned from our sources that Turkey is trying to hide the crime and try to prevent the formation of international commissions of inquiry by donating 30 thousand euros to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on October 17, the same time that Turkey used the banned weapons in Sri Kaneh / Ras al-Ain.
* There is evidence that cases of burns that reached us doctors can not cure.
* The world must remain neutral and pursue fact-finding.
*We demand urgent action and that the issue should not be passed by the Turkish state.
Dr. Joan Mohammed, co-chairman of the Health Authority for Northern and Eastern Syria, said:
* We are surprised by the ignorance and silence about the violations of Turkish aggression
* The world does not care what is happening here in our regions.
* There are human skins charred as a result of burns