A Syrian Kurdish journalist detained at Kuala Lumpur airport is at risk of deportation

A group of Syrian and Syrian Kurdish journalists and activists have lost contact with the Syrian Kurdish journalist, Hamberfan Kosah, who has been detained at Kuala Lumpur airport, since yesterday Saturday.
Himbervan kousa had contacted a group of Syrian and Syrian Kurdish journalists, and informed them that he was being detained at Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia, while trying to travel to a European country.
Communication with Himbervan was cut short after his only contact, and his fate has not yet been established.
According to journalists, there is a fear that the Kurdish journalist will be deported to Syria, where he will face a real threat to his life.
Himbervan kousa is a Syrian Kurdish journalist, from the Qamishlo / Al-Qamishli city. He writes for many Kurdish and Arabic websites and was a last resident of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.