Exclusive interview by ASO News Network with SDC official concerning an upcoming visit to Washington

In light of rapid and continuous changes in the political arena related to the Syrian scene permanently and to the north and east of Syria on an ongoing basis, beside the region being affected by what is happening around the world, and the presence of major international actors in the Syrian arena led by two international parties (the United States and Russia), a statement was made by the Syrian democratic Council regarding a visit to the United States of America to meet with US officials with the aim (as announced) by leaders in north and east Syria to stimulate efforts to support the project of the Autonomous Administration in north and east Syria, in light of the threats posed by Turkey to the region after the occupation operations that took place in northern and eastern Syria.
The visit comes in light of the developments of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the Taliban’s control over it after decades of the American presence, which constitutes talk and gossip about American withdrawals from the areas of its presence in other countries, and this includes the future of the presence of the United States of America and the international coalition in northern and eastern Syria, The International Coalition supports the Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria, in their war against the Islamic State (ISIS)
It is no secret that the recent political events, and the withdrawal of the United States with the administration of John Biden, formed fears of a repetition of the scenario of the American withdrawal in northern and eastern Syria, especially with the threats and violations by the Turkish occupation towards the region, or through the use of the Syrian National Army factions affiliated with the Syrian opposition to threaten the people over there.
Despite the fears of any American withdrawal from the region, American statements appeared through officials on the Syrian file, that there would be no withdrawal soon from northern and eastern Syria, on the basis of the different American political vision in the two regions.
Turkey had occupied the areas of (Afrin and Serêkaniyê / Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad), through two military operations with the factions of the Syrian National Army (the armed Syrian opposition), including the “Spring of Peace” operation during the era of former US President “Donald Trump”, which resulted in the occupation of the area. he displacement of the people, the seizure of the livelihood of civilians, and the adoption of policies that described as demographic change.
The situation with the other powers was not better, as Turkey’s occupation of Afrin in 2018, was the result of an understanding with Russia that supports the Syrian government with Iran
In light of the previous shifts in the political scene in northern and eastern Syria, and the approaching visit of the Syrian Democratic Council to Washington, the Aso News Network conducted an interview with the leader of the Syrian Democratic council, “Ali Rahmon” to talk about the upcoming visit and its content.
– Mr. Ali Rahmoun, when is SDC delegation scheduled to visit Washington, and the purpose of the visit at this time when the Middle East is witnessing transformations, including sudden withdrawals by the United States from the region.
– It is true that there is a visit by the Syrian Democratic Council and the Democratic Autonomous Administration to Washington, which comes as a result of dialogues and meetings that took place with representatives of the American administration concerning file of north and east Syria, and thus there will be meetings with the American administration and American political actors, to support the reality of the Autonomous Administration from Washington, in addition to talk about The reality of the Syrian crisis as US has a significant role.
The visit, which will take place with officials in the United States, will be with discussions about the real American role in the Syrian file, because there is no clarity on the strategy of the United States and its role in the political solution in Syria, so it does not appear on the horizon, at least, that the Syrian file is still a priority of American policy at all, despite More than ten years have passed since the war in Syria.
The visiting delegation will try to push for a clearer, firmer and more concerned position on the part of the United States towards the Syrian file, and put it on the table, moreover to focus on Resolution 2254, which meets unanimous international agreement. We know that US represent s the international community view regarding the Syrian situation and the search for a political solution.
– what is the most important files that would be discussed
– Certainly, the most important files are the rumors about the US withdrawal, similar to the Afghan scenario, I think that the reassurances that came and the political reading of the status quo in the region do not indicate the withdrawal of the United States from the entire region now, everything said regarding the US withdrawal was aiming to spread fears and insecurity in the region by Russia, Turkey and Syrian regime
Americans have no interest in withdrawing at this time, and they have repeatedly stated that they will not withdraw from that region and they are supportive of SDF in the face of terrorism in general and ISIS in particular.
I would like to add another point regarding Turkey. Certainly, the conversation will be discussed to put pressure on Turkey to stop the violations and attacks on Syria and the Syrian people as a whole, especially the Kurdish people, so this point will be one of the files that would be discussed in the meetings that could happen soon .
– What are the expectations and hopes you have from the American positions?
– We know that the US administration has not yet clarified its strategy with regard to a political solution in Syria, so an attempt will be made to work on clarifying clear positions for the Americans regarding the Syrian situation in general.
– Did the Syrian Democratic Council take internal work files for the benefit of the community to put them on the table for talks with the Americans, which means that there are files related to the internal social affairs that show the opening of the SDC to a real democratic experience?
– The idea that SDC is working on with the American team is the continuation of American support for the Autonomous Administration to achieve security and stability in the region, as well as support it economically. We know that the situation in the region, especially in light of the American sanctions on Syria, and the regions of northern and eastern Syria are partially affected by these sanctions, so this will be discussed First, it is possible for the north and east of Syria to not be covered by these sanctions on the one hand, and to support the Autonomous Administration, economically and militarily, on the other hand, to support the stability of the region.
Of course, there will be an essential part of the talks about the possibility of an American withdrawal from Syrian territory, and its impact on the Autonomous Administration, especially in light of the Turkish and Russian interactions with the Syrian regime, so the most important files that will be addressed are the economic, military and political support for the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian Democratic Council, as well as discussing how Strengthening security and stability in the north and east of Syria during the period of the American presence here.
– Today, Turkey is working hard on new occupations in the north and east of Syria, within the course of its goal to strike the region, and in light of Turkey’s constant pursuit of trying to stir up problems towards the region, what is Turkey’s position on the visit of SDC to Washington?
– Turkey is not comfortable with any relationship of north and east Syria with Washington, Turkey has strategic relations with the United States, we understand that, so Turkey is not comfortable with the relations of forces in north and east Syria with the United States, given that Turkey considers the Autonomous Administration to be an enemy, from here We know that the visit will not be a welcomed by Turkey, but rather it will hinder and disrupt the visit, at a time when we do not see any effect in this position, especially since those responsible for the file of north and east Syria in the US administration think that they do not care much about the Turkish position towards the meeting, Despite all the continuous provocations and violations of the areas of northern and eastern Syria by Turkey that resulted in the occupation of Syrian lands, from here we see Turkey as an occupying state, working only for its interests that are hostile to the interests of the Syrian people in all its positions.
– In contrast to relations with the United States, today how do you assess the Russian position towards the Autonomous Administration, and how do you view Russia’s statements about the necessity of developing dialogue between the Autonomous Administration in north and east Syria with the Syrian government?
-since the first moment of the official Russian intervention in Syrian affairs in 2015, Russia announced its presence in Syria to prevent the overthrow of the Syrian regime, and even to support the regime, and it is clear in its position, thus the Russian position towards the region of northeast Syria is deceptive one and shouldn’t be trusted too much.
The Russian position does not have much hope, even if we go back to Russia’s position in other regions of Syria as a guarantor! The reconciliations that took place in Idlib and Daraa were clear in their position in favor of the regime and not as agreed, so there is no real guarantee of Russia’s position, and the role it could play towards northern and eastern Syria.
We witnessed in the occupation of Serêkaniyê / Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad, Russia’s attempt to build bridges between the Syrian government and the Democratic Autonomous Administration, but they were withdrawing from all commitments towards guarantees related to the position of the Syrian regime, and what it requires it to do for the benefit of the Syrian people, Russia, in short, deceives and favors the regime When it presents herself as a mediator.
On Russia’s position on a dialogue between the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian regime, unfortunately, Russia was not once serious about completing any dialogue, even in Russia’s attempt to transform the political scene, considering that the dialogue would be between the Syrian government and the Kurds, the Democratic Autonomous Administration was keen that the delegation should be representative of all The components of northern and eastern Syria, because the entire society is interested in any dialogue with the Syrian government, which does not offer any serious step in the dialogue.
From here, the democratic self-administration has no choice but to enhance confidence to represent all components of the region, and to rally the community around the administration that represents it, so it could be able to achieve the rights, freedom and dignity of the people.
I believe that the Russians and the regime, in agreement with the Turks, are trying by all means to undermine the democratic self-administration, as there have been and still attempts to destroy and end the project of self-administration. The administration may be a major obstacle to re-floating the regime, and for its control to return to what it was before 2011, especially that Russia and the regime has always promoted that the alternative to power would be the Islamic jihadist movements, hence the removal of the Autonomous Administration from the scene, fearing that the Autonomous Administration would be presented as an alternative, so the regime is working hard to combat the existence of the Autonomous Administration, so you see them fighting the experiment day and night, and they have no interest in the success of this experiment at all.
– What is your reading of the stage the Syrian crisis has reached, and are there any signs of solutions on the horizon, or do you notice in the current stage any flexibility on the part of the Syrian government towards the Autonomous Administration?
– Unfortunately, to say that the prospects for solving the Syrian crisis are closed, even if we go back a little, especially after Resolution 2254 and how Moscow, through its tools such as the regime, China, Iran and even Turkey, tried to procrastinate in this decision, which called for a political solution and the production of a political body with full powers that expresses the Syrians Hence, holding elections, drafting a constitution, etc. And how did it turn this decision into a negotiating body that does not advance or delay and does not have any powers, then to a constitutional committee, and as we see, it has been over two years since not a single word was written in the article of the constitution that they are trying to work on, and everything that Moscow proposed from the Astana to Sochi couldn’t reach any prospect It was blocked and then moved to the so-called Doha track, and I think that through this it is trying to procrastinate in order to re-float this regime and nothing else at all. Therefore, all prospects are closed to the Syrian situation. Unfortunately, I say that not from a pessimistic view, but this is the reality.