New violations against Kurdish population in occupied Afrin

Local activists in Afrin said that an armed group affiliated to the Syrian opposition factions, backed by the Turkish occupation, had forced “Esmat Mamed” and his family to leave their house at gunpoint.
The armed group had given Esmat a deadline to hand them over to the house.
When the deadline expired, the group stormed Esmat’s house and threatened his wife with kidnapping if they did not surrender the house.
And Esmat was forced to leave the house with his wife and three children without shelter after taking their house by force and intimidation.
The armed groups have not stopped kidnapping Kurdish women despite the protests after abducted women were found in the prisons of “Al-Hamzat” faction after a clash between them and factions from Eastern Ghouta, in Afrin.
On Wednesday, the Political Security Branch stormed Silvana Karah Joul’s house in the city’s, Al Ashrafieh neighborhood, and arrested her without knowing the charges against her, and her fate remains unknown until now.
As part of a series of violations against the people, the “Amashat” faction kidnapped the young “Ahmed Habash” from the village of “Alkana” in “Sheikh Hadid” district and took him to an unknown destination.