The Syrian opposition, which promised the Syrians a better era, seizes the home of a Kurdish journalist for the second time The family home, which was forcibly seized, was converted into an institute for memorizing the Qur’an

ASO-Arya Haji
The news that reached the family of the Syrian Kurdish journalist, Muhyaddin Iso, about their house in the city of Ras Al-Ain / Serekaniye, this time not as before, this time the news will be a video circulated in a supportive media to the Syrian opposition factions and Turkish policy in the occupation of Syrian cities, The seizure of the house and its conversion to the Institute for the Memorization of the Qur’an appears.
A new video published by a media supported by Turkey, an Arabic-speaking, shows some people gathered around the governor of the Turkish state of Urfa, to celebrate the opening of a center for memorizing the Qur’an in the city, in the home of the family of journalist Muhyaddin Iso, without the approval of them, even without permission from the owners of the house.
The Journalist Muhyaddin Iso, who has been defending human rights, Opposed and a journalist in Syria for nearly 20 years, identified his home through the published video, telling ASO News Network by telephone that his family’s house was seized by pro-Turkish armed opposition factions and for the second time.
The Syrian opposition factions, with the support of the Turkish occupation, had occupied the cities of Serekaniye / Ras al-Ain, and Tal Abiyad in October 2019.
The Syrian political opposition and civil society organizations have blessed the occupation, and even opposition media have supported the operation, which was called the “Spring of Peace” at that time.
The first occupation of the family home ..
Muhyaddin Iso told ASO News Network that the scene of forcibly taking over the home, without the presence of the forcibly displaced family, was “harsh”.
Iso adds by saying that this is the second time that the house is occupied. “Jabhat Al-Nusra occupied the house for the first time in 2012 for a period of six months, when my family was forced to leave the city. After the liberation of the city from Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army, my family returned and all my possessions and furniture of the house were stolen by the factions. ”
Muhyaddin was forced to travel from Syria after a pursuit by the security forces in 2012, due to his election to the administrative body of the Syrian opposition journalists’ association. The Free Syrian Army occupied his house against the backdrop of its appearance on Al-Jazeera, criticizing the opposition’s role in taking over homes and working to displace people from the city.
The second occupation …
On June 23, 2020, Muhyaddin house appeared in a video footage where the governor of the Turkish state of Urfa is present in front of an audience and behind him the two-story house of Muhyaddin family, to announce the opening of an institute for the memorization of the Qur’an.
According to Muhyaddin, the house had been seized since the end of 2019, when work began to equip it for children’s registration for memorizing the Qur’an without the knowledge of the real owners.
Muhyaddin says that the people who fled from Serekaniye, who only carried the keys to their homes, left everything behind, stressing that the hope for return exists, “We will keep the keys with us until the liberation of the city and the return of the people and the indigenous people to the city.”
With Turkey’s occupation of the city of Ras Al-Ain, which expelled its people, insisting on a policy of demographic change in the city, and Turkey added to it by bringing settlers from other provinces to settle them in the homes of the displaced civilians.
Muhyaddin Iso says that his family’s home is one of the hundreds of homes seized in the city by usurpation by the Syrian opposition factions, and the opposition political forces backed by the Turkish occupation, stressing that the violations are repeated in the city on a daily basis against the people and their property, the most recent of which is the violent seizure of civilian crops..
The Syrian opposition factions had seized the homes of several other journalists in the city, including photojournalist Rodi Said, the journalist Haitham Hajji and the journalist Sardar Malla Derwish.