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Taa Marbouta

Taa Marbouta starts with a series of professional workshops to empower women in Al-Hole camp



حجم الخط:

The Taa-Marbouta Foundation, in cooperation and partnership with the Free Women Stand in Syria, launched a series of professional development workshops to train and empower women within Al-Hole camp.

The workshops included professional work on (recycling and handicrafts, wool and crochet, and making bead things), were given by a group of trainees with experience in the field.

Whereas, the workshops lasted for six days, so that each workshop was devoted to two days, in which women trainees from the camp residents, including the displaced and refugees, participated, with each workshop having a specific number of women, and differing from the other workshops.

This comes in order to empower women and activate their role in society on a large scale, which is one of the main pillars on which both the Taa-Marbouta Foundation and the free women stand depend on to ensure women’s self-reliance and increase work opportunities and productivity in their lives.

The team took all preventive measures, including wearing masks and gloves, in addition to continuous sterilization, before starting each workshop, with a comprehensive explanation of the women participating, on the importance of social distancing within the activity, in a preventive step from Coronavirus.

In each workshop, the trainers explained the importance of handicrafts, whether recycling, wool, or beads, and how to benefit from them in the coming days as a small project that can be relied upon as a source of income.

Regarding to “recycling and handicraft”, the workshop on the first day was training participants on the possibility of forming (a toothbrush holder), from simple tools such as (empty water cans, cartons, cloth, ribbons, ornaments).

As the second day was devoted to the workshop, it was possible to form (bags of old or unusable jeans), while decorating the bag with beads, ribbons and some other decorations.

For “wool and crochet”, the workshop was during the days devoted to it, was to learn how to use the wool hook and the use of two sticks, to form a specific piece of wool.

With regard to “making beads”, the training was on how to suspend the beads on a piece of cloth, in addition to forming ( a pearl bead for hair).

After explaining how to implement all of the above, the women participating in the training were divided into several small groups, taking into account the principle of social distancing, and then the trainers supervised the women with comments for them to improve and develop themselves, while following up the implementation mechanism for each woman separately, Until the required form is finished, and at the end the completed forms are presented to everyone.

The team noted that the trainees generally carry within them a spirit of creativity and a love of learning, as well as a love of participation and cooperation, with great response and interaction during the workshops.

In their turn, the women participating expressed their admiration for the workshops and the benefit they received during the training days, where “Baidaa” (a pseudonym) said, “These days are one of the most beautiful days for me inside the camp, I had some information about recycling, but now I have Sufficient information and great ideas to apply in our daily life. ”

“Sanaa” (pseudonym) said, “I worked with beads for a long time, I can work on many forms such as (chain, collar, bracelet, anklet …). Through these workshop sessions, I learned some beautiful things for some practical ideas and steps. , From the trainers and the participants as well, and I will apply them to develop myself. ”

While Nawar (a pseudonym) said, “I love making wool a lot, but this profession requires a lot of time and follow-up, however, I see it as both fun and creativity.”

“Rasha” (a pseudonym) added, “When we have a great experience in the wool field, we will work on forming many pieces and materials, and we will distribute them to the team to keep a memory of you, whenever you see it, you will remember us.”

In addition, the team presented to the participating women, the idea of preparing an exhibition at the end of each month of the project, to show the work done by the trainees, in order to encourage them to continue learning and benefit from the sessions with different content, where the idea was very welcome, and they promised to attend the exhibition, and bring the works They also perform outside of training times.

Professional workshops rely on special curricula for training, conducted by experienced female trainers, to give women inside the Al-Hole camp a kind of craftsmanship and professionalism, and activate their role within their own lives in the future with self-reliance, whereas, the workshops will take place throughout the week towards a long time in Continuity, within the programs and plans of action in advance, which will include the largest number of women participating from all sectors of the camp to benefit from the content of training.