The wise men of the Deir Ezzor tribes are ending a tribal dispute

The sons of Al-Damim and Al-Obaid clans met today, Wednesday, in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, with the intention of injecting blood and bringing about reconciliation between the two clans.
A dispute arose between the two clans at the beginning of the current month of August, between the people of Al-Bahra village (the Al-Damim clan) and Hajin town people (Al-Obaid clan).
Two meetings took place to conduct reconciliation, the first meeting was in “Al-Dulaimi” hostel in the town of “Hajin”, then it moved to the “Al-Hammad” guesthouse in “Al-Bahra”, where both sides fell victims due to the dispute.
Sheikh Nasser Al-Sobah told the Aso news network that the Syrian regime tried to pour oil on the fire through the commander of the National Army militia in Deir Ezzor called “Firas Al-Iraqi ”, who exploited the situation and worked to incite the people of “Al-Bahra” to continue the dispute to inflame the situation in Al-Jazeera.
Mediators from the tribes of the region intervened and tried to calm things down and bring peace between the two clans so that the paths of the inciters were cut off.
Sheikh Nuri al-Turk told the Aso news network that both ISIS and the National Defense militia are trying to exploit any kind of conflict in the region to create chaos and security imbalance.
And because reconciliation is the master of rulings, the dispute has ended today, and the water has returned to its flow between the two clans.
The reconciliation took place in the presence of sheiks, dignitaries, and members of the tribes of all neighboring regions.