Afrin: Doubts about the fate of detainees by the Military Police for months

Local activists from Afrin said that the fate of two people detained since November 28, 2020 by Military Police officers is still unknown.
The two detainees are “Zaim Muhammad,” nicknamed “Tobu” (40 years old), and “Sufyan Akram Nabo” (41 years old) from the village of “Inqla” in Sheikh al-Hadid district.
The families of the detainees paid a fine of 50 thousand US dollars to the “al-Waqqas” faction that controls the village, but their request to release their two sons was rejected.
Suspicions were raised among the detainees’ families that their sons had been liquidated inside prisons and kept secret, especially since they were told, “Even if you paid $ 100,000, your request for their release is rejected.”
As a result, the families of the forcibly disappeared detainees called on the humanitarian and human rights organizations to pressure the armed factions supported by the Turkish occupation to reveal the fate of thousands of detainees whose fate remains unknown since their arrest.