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Violent clashes between armed factions, the title of the first day of Eid in Afrin



حجم الخط:

Armed clashes erupted between a group of settlers from the Al-Hayeb and Al-Mawali clans on one side, and members of the Suqur Al-Shamal Brigade on the other, in Qizilbash village in Bulbul district, on the first day of Eid Al-Fitr.

Local sources from Afrin said that the cause of the clashes was the killing of “Bashar al-Dalati,” a member of the al-Mawali clan, and the wounding of “Mohammad Hikmat” while they were passing through a checkpoint of the Suqur al-Shamal faction in the village of Qizilbash.

According to the sources, the so-called “Mohamed Hikmat” is one of the wanted members of the Military Police on charges of drug trafficking, and information was received that he will pass through one of the Suqur Al-Shamal checkpoints, which received orders to arrest him while passing through the checkpoint.

“Hikmat” was riding in a car driven by “Bashar Sweidan” and they refused to stand at the checkpoint, so the named “Hikmat” opened fire at the checkpoint and wounded one of the soldiers.

According to the sources, the checkpoint members opened fire directly on the car that was carrying the wanted person, which caused the death of his companion, while “Hikmat” ran away despite being wounded.

Subsequently, settlers from the Al-Hayeb and Al-Mawali clans launched an attack on the Suqur Al-Shamal militia in Qizilbash, and violent clashes erupted between the two parties, which led to the closure of the road between Bulbul district and Maidanki town due to the intensity of the clashes.

At the same time, Janders district in Afrin countryside witnessed violent clashes between members of the Ahrar al-Sharqiya faction and members of the militia of Nour al-Din al-Zanki faction, and the use of all kinds of weapons in residential neighborhoods.

The clashes resulted in material damage to civilian property and created a state of fear and panic among the residents, especially since it was the first day of Eid al-Fitr and the streets are crowded with civilians.