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The return of holding wedding parties in the streets in the neighborhoods of Ashrafieh and Sheikh Maqsoud after a break for years



حجم الخط:

The holding of wedding parties in the streets is one of the customs and traditions previously circulated in the Ashrafieh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods, where parties were held in the streets or within the lanes without having to hold them in the halls. .

Aso News Network correspondent in Aleppo said, some families started holding their wedding parties in the streets, which encouraged others to hold them in the streets as well, especially after many years of fear and the fall of shells and missiles on the Ashrafieh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods. Although many families prefer to hold parties in halls, except its establishment in the streets was very popular in this period in general.

Within days, several parties were organized in the public and secondary streets, and “Mahmoud Mustafa” told Aso News Network, a groom who held his party in Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in front of his house, “There is great satisfaction with holding the wedding in the street, where we started cleaning the street and then we put chairs and a platform for the singer and it was secured, all the requirements for the party and even that there was no disturbance for the neighbors who stood on the balcony of the windows of their homes and watched the party that was held in the same street in which they reside. Of course, previously, the parties were held in the streets, but they stopped due to the war and its return means that stability has returned again, and it is one of the customs and traditions previously circulated by the everybody.

Because of the large number of parties during the summer and the lack of halls to hold them, many will hold their parties in the streets during the coming period. “Juma Ali” told Aso News Network, “Currently, I am preparing for my wedding on the street, so I have saved the hall expenses and I buy what is needed for the wedding and the equipment, and there is a turnout and popularity and many others.” They will hold their street parties, and the space will be open for dancing, and there is no restriction on a specific space.”

The people of the Ashrafieh neighborhoods and Sheikh Maqsoud were impressed by the return of holding parties in the streets, especially since some consider that they bring joy and pleasure, and everyone can participate in the ceremony without the need for them to go to the halls.

*The Picture is from the internet