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The majority of industrial workshops have stopped as a result of the continued blockade



حجم الخط:

Most of the sewing and shoe-making workshops in al-Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods in Aleppo have stopped working due to the loss of basic materials such as sewing costs, fabrics and leather, as the Fourth Division’s checkpoints still prevent the entry of basic requirements to the workshops.

The correspondent of the Aso News Network in Aleppo said that the suspension of sewing and shoe-making workshops has caused a large percentage of workers to lose their jobs as a result of the owners closing their workshops after the lack of basic materials for work. Surrounding the two neighborhoods, cars and vehicles carrying goods are prohibited from entering.

Rezan Abdo, the owner of a sewing workshop in Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, told Aso News Network, I had to dismiss the workers and close the workshop due to the lack of fabric, and the last amount of fabric available in my warehouse had run out.

He added, there was nothing left to tailor and the situation continued until I prepared the remaining goods I had, and tried to get goods to sew from other workshops that tailor the fabric, but all the workshops have stopped working and dismissed their workers because about a month and a half ago, the goods did not enter the two neighborhoods, due to the ban by the barriers surrounding their entry.

Narin Mamo, who was working in a sewing workshop in al-Ashrafiyeh neighborhood, told Aso News Network, I lost my job about a month ago, and I tried to look for an alternative job, but there was no new job opportunity because all sewing workshops had stopped.

And she continued, I searched for another job in sweets and pastry shops, but I did not find it, and my work in the sewing workshop was the financial income from which I live with my family, as I help my husband secure the expenses, and he is also unemployed because the sewing workshop in which he was working stopped.

And she indicated that the situation has become very bad because they can no longer secure a financial income for the house after the cessation of the work from which they used to make a living.

The embroidery workshops also stopped working, and the stopping of the workshops caused the loss of most of the workers’ job opportunities, and thus they lost the living income on which they depended for their livelihood in light of the high prices.

*The photo is from the internet