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Aleppo: start distributing diesel fuel to families… and the quantity is only fifty liters



حجم الخط:

The Fuel Committee began distributing heating diesel allowances to families who did not receive diesel in the Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods in Aleppo, and the quantity distributed was only fifty liters per family, at a price of 15,000 thousand Syrian pounds.

The correspondent of the Aso News Network in Aleppo said that the distribution will be made to the families who did not receive the diesel fuel last time, and a second batch will be distributed to the families who did not receive their allotments of diesel permanently, and it will also be fifty liters.

Abdo Belaliko, a resident of the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, told Aso News Network that the quantity is too little and is not sufficient for more than two weeks.

He added, we hope that a new batch will be distributed because we depend on diesel in heating our children that is distributed and we do not have the ability to buy from abroad because the household expenses are large and barely suffice for needs such as food and medicine, indicating that this winter is very cold compared to last winter.

“Nazmi Marouf,” a resident of Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, told Aso News Network that there was no justice in distributing diesel during this year because some families received their full diesel allocations, while we are waiting until now to receive only fifty liters, and we spent the whole winter sick because of the cold.

Residents of the Ashrafiyeh and Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhoods suffer during the current winter from a lack of heating means, despite their attempts to secure alternatives, including heating firewood, whose price has increased dramatically due to the demand for it.

*The photo is from the Network archive