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Testimonies of survivors from under the rubble in Jenderes



حجم الخط:

The survivors of the violent earthquake began to tell the stories of the difficult times they spent under the rubble of collapsed buildings in Jenderes, in which feelings of hope for the birth of a new life were mixed, and grief over the loss of family, friends and neighbors.

“The timing of the earthquake was at dawn, everyone was sleeping in their homes, which was one of the factors causing the high number of victims, who died under the rubble of buildings,” a survivor from under the rubble in Jenderes told the Aso News Network reporter.

The survivor continues: “I woke up to a strong movement in the house, as everything was moving. All I thought about was getting my wife and kids out of the house quickly, but my wife preferred us over herself, and pushed me to go out with the kids first.”

He mentioned that the building collapsed on them before they went out into the street, and he says: “All I remember at that time is that I was below the building with my children, and my neighbor of the ground floor next to me, and the entire building was above our bodies, and we could not breathe.”

The survivor continues: “I lost consciousness for a while, then I woke up and was able to free my feet, and my neighbor helped me remove the rubble from my face so that I could breathe, and at first I thought that I was definitely dead.”

He continues by saying: “I started calling my children, as I thought I had lost them, but after ten hours had passed under the rubble, I heard the voices of our relatives calling to us, which ignited a glimmer of hope for survival in me.”

He added, “After we were taken to the hospital for treatment, and I was assured of the safety of my children, I started searching for my wife in the rest of the hospitals, but later I learned that she remained under the rubble, and after two days of searching, we found her dead body.”

He said, “What hurts me the most is the loss of my wife, who sacrificed her life for me and my children, and we are left homeless, because our destroyed house was all we had.”

The town of Jenderes is one of the areas most affected by the violent earthquake that struck Syria and Turkey on February 6, leaving hundreds of victims and thousands injured.

*The Photo is from the internet