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An immigrant journalist from occupied Afrin wins an American awards



حجم الخط:

ASO – Qamishlo / Al-Qamishli (North-East Syria )

Edited by: perwer Midi

The Kurdish journalist from Syria, “Newroz Rasho,” won the American “David Burke Award for Courage and Distinction.”

Rasho is a journalist displaced from the city of Afrin, occupied by Turkey since 2018, and has been working as a correspondent for the “Voice of America” for seven years.

Rasho worked with the Voice of America from Afrin before she was displaced from the city, while covering displacement camps in the northern countryside of Aleppo.

“Newroz Rasho” told ASO News Network that she is proud to receive the award, which she considers the result of collective work, considering that the award is a greater incentive for work, and a local effort that enhances the confidence of international institutions in the work of local journalists in reporting events from the ground.

“Rasho” says that she is proud that the core of her work focuses on conveying the suffering and stories of people living in war and those displaced from Afrin.
She stresses that this award and effort are a form of gratitude for people’s trust in her in her work.

The David Burke Award has been awarded annually since 2001 to reporters for American media who demonstrate exceptional performance and struggle to obtain information.

Journalists from North-East Syria have previously won the David Burke Award for their work with American institutions.

The David Burke Award is awarded for journalistic excellence, courage, integrity, and professionalism to individuals in reporting news and reports within institutions supported by the US Agency for International Media (USGM).

The agency is a federal agency that works to protect the independence and professional integrity of the organization’s journalists. It includes approximately 4,000 journalists and its services reach approximately 345 million people around the world in 59 languages.

*The image is from the internet