Among them is a doctor from Al-Hasakah and an Egyptian director… Sulaymaniyah awards the “Billah” Golden Award to 10 personalities

During a ceremony held last Tuesday in the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the “Ibrahim Ahmed Foundation” awarded the “Billah” Golden Award to 10 individuals for their great services in various fields.
Among the personalities who received the award was Dr. Jiwan Hami, a specialist in orthopedic surgery, in the city of Qamishlo/Al-Qamishli.
Hami told ASO News Network that he was nominated for the award as the best doctor who served the wounded and sick during the Syrian tragedy.
“Hami” expressed his pride in receiving the honor alongside prominent Kurdish figures, who was not able to attend and was replaced by Dr. Jawaidan Kamal.
“Hami” was born in 1972, in the village of Tala’a, about 20 km north of Al-Hasakah. He graduated from the Faculty of Human Medicine at the University of Aleppo in 2006.
Before moving to the city of Qamishlo/Al-Qamishli in 2009, he worked in his medical clinic in the city of Afrin, north of Aleppo.
His family resides in Sweden, while the surgeon travels between Sweden and Qamishlo. He provided great medical services to the wounded in the war against ISIS and the Turkish aggression.
In addition to Hami, who, in addition to his profession, is interested in Kurdish literature and poetry, the award was given to the following figures:
– The late Professor Ibrahim Amin Baldar, for his contributions in the field of education and writing the book on the Kurdish alphabet. The award was received by the grandson of the late Ahmed Azad Baldar.
– Artist Ali Akbar Moradi, in exchange for the services he provided to Kurdish music.
– Dr. Akhtar Najm Al-Din, for her great services to cancer patients.
– The well-known Kurdish artist Nasser Razzazi, for his service to authentic Kurdish art over many years.
– Mr. Khaled Jaff, for presenting the historical documents that prove the Kurdishness of Kirkuk.
– Dr. Shergo Abdullah, for his competence and proficiency in the field of writing satirical criticism
-The late great Kurdish artist, Sayyed Ali Asghar Kurdistani, for his great services in the field of authentic Kurdish art, and his grandson Rashid Baba Shihabi received the award in place of the late artist.
-Al-Hajja Fahima was awarded the Billah Prize because she was a remnant of Anfal, and 52 of her relatives died during the Anfal operations by the previous regime. The award was given by First Lady Shanaz Ibrahim Ahmed.
– Dr. Ali Badrakhan, the well-known Kurdish director and filmmaker and one of the personalities of the well-known Kurdish Badrakhan family in Egypt.
The award was given by the President of the Iraqi Republic, Dr. Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid.
The “Billah” Golden Award is an annual award dedicated to creative and distinguished personalities who have served the Kurds and Kurdistan in various fields.
The award is granted in the name of the “Ibrahim Ahmed Foundation,” a Kurdish thinker, poet, novelist, and politician. He was born in 1914 in the city of Sulaymaniyah, and died in the British capital, London, on April 8, 2000, at the age of 86 years.
*The image is from the internet