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Tabqa: On Eid Al-Adha, there is a weak demand for buying sacrificial animals



حجم الخط:

Livestock markets in the city of Tabqa, with the blessed Eid Al-Adha, are witnessing a weak demand by people to buy sacrificial animals compared to previous years.

Musa Al-Ali, a resident of Tabqa, told ASO News Network that he collected $200 (about one million five hundred thousand Syrian pounds) to buy a sacrifice for Eid Al-Adha, but he was surprised in the market that the prices of sacrifices ranged on average between 350 and 700 US dollars (about five million). Two hundred thousand Syrian pounds – ten million four hundred thousand Syrian pounds.

The price of one ram reached 700 US dollars, while the price of a sheep ranged on average from 350 to 600 US dollars, while last year prices did not exceed 200 US dollars, according to Mohammad Al-Mahmoud, an auctioneer in the livestock market in Tabqa.

Dalal Al-Mawashi added to ASO News Network by saying that the main reason for the weak demand is due to the weak purchasing power of the people, especially since the region depends on the agricultural seasons as a primary source of income, which this year is considered weak in terms of the quantity of production and the purchase prices of crops.

He explained that last year, on this day, which coincides with the Friday before Eid al-Adha, the livestock market was witnessing a large demand by people to buy sacrificial animals, and it sold 25 sacrificial animals, while it did not sell even a single sacrificial animal today.

In a related context, Sheikh Adnan Eid Aliwi, a member of the religious institution in Tabqa District, told ASO News Network that the sacrifice is not imposed on the poor, because they are unable to buy the sacrifice.

He pointed out that “the sacrifice is a confirmed Sunnah and not obligatory, and one of its conditions is the ability to purchase the sacrifice, so the poor person is not obligated to do it due to lack of ability.”