“Samira Al Nasir” … The life is born from the womb of death

Who believes ?! The pure, innocent spirit, which springs to live in this life, does not know that sometimes it arises from a dark, dark black womb, which trains death, murder, and loves blood.
In her painful story, “Samira Al-Nasir” (“Umm Alaa”), the midwife, the daughter of the city of Raqqa, who lived through a period of dominion ISIS over the city, recounts painful events that she experienced as well as all the people of Raqqa. She was forced after practicing more than four decades in the field of obstetrics and under gun threat, to supervise the birth of wives of the elements of the Islamic State Organization (ISIS) in the capital of the state in Raqqa, for her fame and reputation among the women of Al-Raqqa.
In an interview with Aso news network, “Umm Alaa” recalls how the city was so peaceful and safe until the coming of ISIS as claiming that they would transform the city of Rashid into a center for the succession of its alleged Islamic state.
The threat of death forced me to wear the “niqab”
“Umm Alaa” tells us about the events she has experienced during the period she spent with the wives of ISIS fighters, describing them as non-human, dealing with no compassion and inhumanity with innocent civilians. “Life gave me a difficult choice, Even though I was forced to wear niqab, at first I refused to do so, even if it would cost me my neck to be cut on the roundabout. I was always determined not to deal with ISIS, but I was threatened by them and I had to bow to the reality, for fear on my children’s lives.
The torment of birth “reward”
“A lot of ISIS women had births and each one of them was of a different nationality (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco). I suffered a lot because they did not want to be with them neither before nor after the birth and were ready to do that alone, they refused to be helped and examined, and not to accept medicines at all, they spent many hours bearing the pain of labor without the request for painkillers, and that was for a religious reason, according to the belief that women are rewarded for the suffering of childbirth.
But I think all this was the result of their fear and the fear of their husbands, that I poison them or kill them and kill the children with medicines or treatment, they did not trust me and the medical staff in the hospitals, as well as the imposition of ISIS leaders for material fees for birth services (natural and caesarean) which we did for greater revenue to their alleged state.
There are many situations and moments we can not forget, no matter how joyous or painful. As “Umm Alaa” says: “Moments and positions passed through the obstetrics, which remained suspended in my memory and taste bitter like Al alakam, until this moment did not forget the faces of ISIS women, Innocent children who were not guilty, in their being the sons of criminals walking freely in this land, and I can not forget the cruelty of ISIS fighters and their mistreatment. ”
Infant with military uniform
Umm Alaa remembers the moments and tells as if it is going on in front of her eyes:
“I participated in the birth of the wife of one of the fighters, who were of Turkish origin. After the birth, I carried the child in my arms. I was thinking about his age, which he would live among these monsters,” she said suddenly his father came and took it from me. He brought a military uniform to dress the infant up, who was born minutes before, I tried to stop him and explain to him that this outfit is made of rough and not suitable for the child, but in vain after attempts with him, the father insisted on it and proudly said: “My son the fighter will become a hero,” I realized then that the brain of ISIS fighters are programmed by Every horrible, no place to feel inside it. ”
“The shock does not end, the shock of the other is engraved in my memory,” said Umm Alaa, sighing and completing: ” ISIS, this nightmare, who has no religion . In the name of Islam they committed the most heinous crimes that violate all human rights even children weren’t away from their crimes, I was surprised one day by girls between the ages of 13 and 15 of the origins of Syria (daughters of my country) married to ISIS fighters who were forcibly moved among their hands stained with the blood of innocents. Every time a fighter called me to help one of them in birth, I hoped that this was the last case I receive, But God knows how much did these women suffer . ”
“Al Nasir” tells the last station of her story and says: “A Somali fighter called me to help his Yemeni wife to give a birth, she was suffering from a head injury, as a result of falling from the bike that was driven by her husband quickly, in order to escape the blows of the international coalition, I asked the husband to treat the injury Before I started the obstetric operation, but he refused and insisted on not treating her until after birth, but I remained determined not to complete my task until the treatment of the serious injury, which would have lost her life.
The forbidden is allowed if ISIS wanted
As for the forbidden and permissible according to the mentality of ISIS “Umm Alaa” during her talk mentioned that everything to ISIS is forbidden only if they liked it, it was preferred to use our children as human shields to protect themselves from attacks and the bombing of aviation, and it is desirable to enter any A house they want and live in, moreover their love to use the slaughter method even if for a simple reason.
As for us, we were forbidden to get out of Raqqa for any reason, and the word “hello or ahlain” was forbidden. Because this is a tradition from the West. If a door is knocked on, the inhabitants of the house must say “Salam alaikoum.” .
Of course abortion operations were prohibited for increading the population of Calipate, as she described.
Samira al-Nesr, 66 years old, is the prisoner of the past who lives in her room, hiding in every corner a story that hides many secrets. Umm Alaa, a prisoner of deep sorrow, simulates the walls of her room, which is broken with sorrow. Finishing her speech to say” all that dreams and difficult days stuck in my memory as a photo, which is like a legend couldn’t be believed by our brains”. She went silent for a moment and completed her story with a sight and holds the pain of a mother suffered a lot for a long time to say :
“My dream and the dream of my son Alaa ended in a matter of seconds, my son Alaa, who dreamed of being a doctor, was killed while helping the injured of the war, who were his state’s sons, and he was killed before completing his dream,”
“everything I passed did not affect My story is like the moment I lost Alaa , my story was over, but the pain does not end. It is with the air that I breathe. At every moment I feel pain that kills me, and it still accompanies me. ”
“Samira Al Nasir” is one of the thousand hidden stories in the hearts of Syrians, especially Raqqa people who lived the pain and tasted it .