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“They are the ones who chose my life” …The outdated habits when a girl is denied of education



حجم الخط:

Aso-Batool Ali

“The interest of the girl and her future is not in the completion of her education, but the formation of a family through a marriage in which children have children and raise their husband and care about her family.”
By this phrase, “Juhayna” began her conversation with her parents, who always echoed this talk.
“Juhayna Razak” is a 17-year-old married woman and mother of two children from al Tapqqa. “I was one of the most successful and persistent students in the school and I always wanted to be a distinguished person. At the end of each year, I was awarded a certificate of excellence or appreciation until the end of primary school.
Ruling of outdated customs and traditions that still hitherto obscure the minds of many that the girl is at a certain stage of education and then marry or stay at home waiting for a husband spend the rest of her life, on the future of the small lady and deprived of completing her education to sit at home waiting for the groom.

She keeps saying “That’s why I did not finish my intermediate school education and sat at home to present a sermon to a relative of mine when I was 14 years old. My father convinced me of this marriage and that the groom is a suitable person”.

By custom and tradition, too, that the relative can’t be said no, “Juhayna” accepted this marriage, as she was completely unaware of the meaning and responsibilities of marriage

She says: “I started suffering after marriage and was exposed to many problems with my husband because of my ignorance of many things and the problems exacerbated more after the birth of the two children and my suffering continues until now.

“Juhayna says with a sigh “I regret a lot because I did not finish my studies. I wanted to be a teacher when I am older and to be able to teach the children, but I was not the one who chose. I see my dreams and aspirations in my daughter’s eyes and I will achieve what I couldn’t not achieve with them.”