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Displacement disperses a family and divides them: If my son is alive … I hope he looks for me till he finds me



حجم الخط:

Aso-Nohrin Mustafa

Translated by: Hejar Abbo

The 70-year-old uncle Hussein and his wife arrived after a ten-day exodus journey to a shelter in Hasakah with two of their relatives. Left their village,” Tel Dhiyab” in Sere Kaniye/Ras al Ain countryside in hurry under a barrage of shell on the city.

“ The shells started falling on our village and the neighboring villages 12 days ago. We didn’t have enough money to rent a car and we didn’t know where to go. We went out on foot and moved between several villages and we were getting in vehicles with a lot of displaced people heading towards Hasakah,, says uncle “Hussein”.

“”We lost our child,” said Uncle Hussein’s wife in a grief heartbreak and anxious voice. “We lost our child. He has been lost among people and we have no way to communicate with him.”
“ she continues, with the start of the bombing, many of our villagers and neighboring villages fled among that chaos and congestion. We lost our 15-year-old son and when we rode with a large number of displaced people, I started looking for him, but I did not find him and because we did not have a cell phone, communication between us was lost.”
The son has been separated from his family and they are far from each other and know nothing about him since they left their village. “I don’t know if he is alive or injured, nor does he know where we are,” the mother says with great sadness.
She is confident that if their child is alive, he will look for them and find them.

It has always been the wish of all mothers to stop the war and to have their children safe. Says this sad mother, I am thinking of my son, where is he? What does he eat and how does he sleep? He is worried about us, and we are worried about him and since that day we only pray to God to meet again.

Many families have been displaced and dispersed during displacement, an additional concern for each family lost dear without knowing what happened to them.