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The ghost of a cold winter roams around the displaced persons from Sere Kaniye and Tell Abyad



حجم الخط:

Aso- Lourin Sabri
Having been displaced from their homes and cities is not the only thing worrying people from the cities of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ayn) and Tell Abyad. They dread the approach of a cold winte, as they lack basic necessities in the camps they have resorted to in order to escape the shelling of their cities.
This is made worse by the fact that international humanitarian organizations have halted their missions in North East Syria since the beginning of the Turkish offensive into the region, which makes it very difficult to provide aid to the displaced persons.
With the ongoing Turkish shelling of Sere Kaniye, a big wave of displaced people headed to the cities of Tell Tamr, Al-Hasakah, and Girke lege (Al-Maabadah), where they faced problems of finding shelter and getting access to basic needs of everyday life due to the absence of the UN entities concerned with providing humanitarian aid.
Khalid Ibrahim, co-head of the humanitarian affairs office in Al-Jazira region told Aso Network that local organizations work very hard alongside the Autonomous Administration to provide aid to the displaced persons. However, the absence of international aid organizations has caused a great void especially when it comes to aiding children and senior citizens. He also stated that there live in the camps of Tell Tamr around 1000 children who urgently need baby milk formula which is not available.

The displaced persons headed to several cities in North East Syria, but the majority of them headed to Tell Tamr, where four schools have been opened to shelter them. In Al-Hasakah, 38 schools opened their doors to the displaced, as well as three schools in Girke lege town. Moreover, according to Ibrahim, preparing schools for the displaced in Qamishlo city is being considered.
With the advent of winter, the displaced persons and concerned entities are increasingly worried about the unavailability of resources which will be needed in a cold winter. Plus, lack of water is an ongoing problem as there was a deliberate Turkish bombardment of Aluk water station.

Khalid Ibrahim stated that approximately 300 thousand people, most of whom are women, children, and senior citizens, have fled shelling of the cities Sere Kaniye and Tell Abya. The number is expected to rise to more than 400 thousand displaced persons.

It must be noted that the invading Turkish army and the Islamist factions backed by Turkey have attacked Sere Kaniye and Tell Abyad in 9th of October, which led to the displacement of thousands of civilians who left their native regions towards Tell Tamr and Al-Hasakah in order to protect their children from Turkish tanks, artillery, and planes.