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Her wedding dress was replaced by a white shroud for her fiancee..



حجم الخط:

Aso-Lorin Sabri
Translated by: Hejar Abbo

“Doaa Muhannad Suleiman” was waiting like every girl and dreaming of her day of joy. She is preparing for her wedding day, to live a new life with her husband, in building a family that aspires to grow up and live in security, but was not aware that the Turkish aggression on Rojava / North-East Syria Will deprive her of the joy of her age.

On 10 October 2019, Doaa, a resident of Umm al-Khair, south of Sere Kaniye / Ras al-Ain, was standing in front of the bus that would take them with five families, mostly women and children, to escape the Turkish bombing and invasion accompanied by armed Syrian opposition factions. (Syrian National Army), Doaa was looking at the distant horizon on the outskirts of the village, may be hint her fiancee, Mahmoud, the place where they used to meet, but the absurdity of the war increased the wounds of “Doaa” without seeing him.

“Doaa” (22 years) headed with the parents in the car, forcibly displaced, fleeing Turkey’s warplanes, and the oppression of the opposition factions, hoping to meet Mahmoud again, this time he is delayed and did not exist and could not know where is he! Due to the circumstance that was requiring speed to escape, from the sounds of artillery and aircraft of Turkish aggression

Mahmoud, 28, was with a group of young people who decided to stay to protect the houses, where from every house a young man would protect the house.

The bus went off quickly while the road is leaving a deeply injury in the conscience of “Doaa”, which was waiting for news from “Mahmoud” but all the ways are intermittent, as is the reality of the conditions they were living at the time, “Doaa” tells Aso News Network, the car walked like lightning, inside The car was carrying a great weight but loneliness to me”.

The next morning, the sounds of bullets, shelling and gunpowder smells all over. There are no sounds of life in the nearby countryside of Sere Kaniye. There is only the sound of barking dogs, hungry cats hovering in places, so that they can get something to survive.

As Turkish aggression intensified on October 9, 2019, the people of Sere Kaniye were forced to flee the city and its countryside.

The news of “Mahmoud” is intermittent, no one knows any news about him until the early morning hours of the next day, “Doaa” says that panic was inhabited by “the most cruel was the absence of Mahmoud’.

While hope was coming to Doaa for a new family life, heard her brother’s screams to her father saying, “We lost my cousin Mahmoud Shukri. He lost his life yesterday by the bombing of Turkish airplanes.” At the moment “Doaa” burst into tears, “she will never see Mahmoud again”.

All the dreams of “Doaa” have been broken, and her hopes stopped, saying that the news was difficult to bear for a future girl to marry the person who wishes “Is it possible to lose the vision of Mahmoud again (..)”.

“Mahmoud” had been killed in the bombing of the Turkish aircraft on the village of Umm al-Khair.

The wedding of Doaa and Mahmoud was due to take place in early April. “He was waiting to receive his accumulated salaries at a construction company in Lebanon, where he worked there to collect the dowry he will marry”.
In the moments that Doaa speaks, she opens her mobile phone to show us the picture of the dress she chose with Mahmoud to wear on the wedding day. “Death took Mahmoud absent from our wedding six months before the wedding.” Doaa is crying even more and she remembers the wedding again, to tell us a paradoxical and says, “Life has many contradictions. Instead of wearing the white dress, “Mahmoud” wore the white shroud, I will not forgive who has broken my heart, stolen my joy and taken away my cousin and my life partner”.

”Doaa” fells broken for the loss of Mahmoud and says, “Sadness dressed me up a black dress for life. My heart has been shattered by this aggression and shells. The war wants to lose the features of Mahmoud and try to erase his gaze that provided me with security”.

Today, Doaa is comforted by the tomb of Mahmoud, who visits him and takes pictures with him and speaks to him. Mahmoud was buried in Tel Temir on October 12, 2019.