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Initial reactions after the start of the Turkish military operation in North-East Syria



حجم الخط:

Translated by: Hejar Abbo

International and European reactions rejecting the Turkish military operation, which started on Wednesday, October 9, have continued.

The Turkish occupation army launched strikes targeting points belonging to the SDF in most areas along the Syrian border strip with Turkey.

The first of these responses came from “Amelie de Monshalan”, Minister of European Union Affairs in France, who said, according to Reuters, that France, Britain and Germany called for a session of Security Council affiliated to the United Nations to discuss the Turkish attack on Northern Syria.
And, “de Monshalan” revealed the intention of the three countries to issue a joint statement strongly condemning the Turkish military operation, while it will be agreed on a separate statement issued by the European Union after all countries sign it.
This came in front of the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

For his part, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker called on Turkey to stop its military operation and restraint.
“I call on Turkey and other (parties) actors to exercise restraint,” Juncker told the European Parliament.
“If Turkey’s plans include setting up a so-called safe zone, it should not expect the European Union to pay any money in this regard,” he added. According to Reuters.

In a tweet on Twitter, shortly after the start of the Turkish aggression, US Senate Lindsey Graham said, “We will lead efforts in Congress to make Erdogan pay a heavy price”.

The Turkish occupation army began a military operation in North-East Syria in the afternoon, Wednesday, bombing various locations along the border with Syria, with civilians injured.