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My name is Alaa (9 years): I left my bag in SereKaniye / Ras al-Ain and want to return to my memories



حجم الخط:

Written by: Lorin Sabri
Translated by: Hejar Abbo

Alaa and her family are trying to cope with the displacement life, after being displaced from SereKaniye / Ras al-Ain, and trying to get used to the new life that has been imposed on them, waiting for solutions on the horizon to return the family and parents to the city they left, while Alaa cannot forget Her memories and her companions are there.

9-year-old Alaa chose to sit inside the classroom, at the place of displacement, at a school desk and talk to us about their circumstances. My name is Alaa from Sere Kaniye / Ras al-Ain. I am in the fourth grade, we got out of our city because of the invasion and the fear of bombardment. She says,

On October 9, 2019, the residents of SereKaniye / Ras al-Ain and the inhabitants of Ggre Sipi / Tel Abyiad fled their cities after Turkish aggression planes appeared over the skies of the two cities and the advance of Turkey-backed Syrian opposition factions (The Syrian National Army).

In SereKaniye / Ras al-Ain, all residents left the city, and it was emptied. She has seen the warplanes in the Sky, drawing circles preparing for bombardment.

Within a short time, people were forced to migrate without taking their belongings from their homes because of the sudden emergence of planes in the sky. “In minutes they started shelling, I have heard strange sounds from the planes, I got scared. Says Alaa,

“”My father assembled us on a motorcycle, was not enough to all of us, and took us to the village,” she explained to Aso News Network the fleeing mechanism. She adds, “When I arrived in the village, I missed my brother, who joined us in a second motorcycle ride with my father”.

Many families in Sere Kaiyeh / Ras al-Ain, who have no means of transportation, have suffered from being safe. Some families need to walk more than 10 kilometers, including those who forced cars owners which leave out of the city to help them get out with them!

Despite the young age of “Alaa”, but circumstances made her conscious, telling us that their exit was in search of safety from death “We do not think to return, the region is unsafe and armed groups are still there (we fear them).” She says,

Alaa asserts that she felt great fear the day she fled with her family from the city, and says” I was very terrified when I left my neighborhood, as I felt so while leaving the city”.

Alaa describes the first day in the village as cold. “We slept outside in the yard and we heard the bombardment and planes sounds so we didn’t sleep well”.

(The sounds of the planes were terrifying me)

(My friends in the neighborhood all left the city with their parents)

Alaa dreams of returning to her city and to her burned and robbed home. “The gunmen entered our area with Turkey and took our house and burned it.” she says,

“I miss the oud, playing with my friends, and playing in the neighborhood,” she expresses her longing to the city.

“I am afraid my toys inside the house will be bombed, stolen and burned,” Alaa remembers her memories and toys at home. “I am afraid they will burn them or steal them and take them to their children!”

When Alaa got out of the neighborhood, she said goodbye to her friends. “My friends in the neighborhood left to the grandparents’ home and me to the village.” she said,

“I left my bag and my books in the room inside the house. I couldn’t bring it with me,” Alaa remembers her school.

Alaa ‘s goal today, like the rest of the children, is to return to their city and live again. She finishes by saying, “I want to go home where there are all my memories…. Our people