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Between Serekaniy and Kobani, “Sabah”, is a displaced woman dreaming of returning to her land and home



حجم الخط:

Aso- Shirin tamo
Translated by: Hejar Abbo
“My two-year-old child is sick of a seat, and in those moments we could not carry him and escape for fear of bombing of the raids and the artillery, despite that, the sound of the warplanes days after staying forced us to flee.” This scene was experienced by the people of Serekaniye \ Ras Al-Ain, among them Mrs. “Sabah Khalil Sayed” from the countryside of Serekaniye.

On the ninth of October 2019 with the aggression of the Turkish occupation of Rojava / East of the Euphrates / North-Eastern Syria, Sabah family, who lived in the village of “Al-Twaimiya” in the countryside of SereKaniye, were trying to persuade themselves to stay in the house, where the scene of displacement is bothering them as all the Syrians And they are not used to it.

Sabah said she has 6 boys, three girls and three sons, one of whom is two years old, with seat.” The sound of the planes were getting greater day by day, and the battles getting closer, as the sound of planes and bombing seemed to be clear”.

Sabah says that their insistence on staying has become a danger to their lives. The first days have passed but the next is unknown to them and were hazard on their lives.” I have a back pain but I am forced to carry my children and stick to my family and save them from the risk of death”.

The suffering of Sabah and her family has not ended, and she lives today in Kobani, by fleeing only from the village of Al-Twaimiya in Serekaniye countryside / Ras al-Ain. “ we followed a route while risk was chasing us until we got in Al Bowaiyda village then to Aliya and Tel Temir, where we stayed 22 days there, then we headed up to Kobani, where we live now”, says Sabah.

Sabah cannot settle there. She desperately wants to return to her land. “They have displaced us from our land. We want to return back to our homes, but we fear the factions in the area,” she says.

Sabah says they did not take anything from their needs at that moment, “the planes were hitting hard.” But news from their area says that the Syrian armed opposition factions, backed by the Turkish occupation, are stealing and looting, “They carried entire houses supplies in vehicles and stole them.”

Sabah believes that they have the right to return to their land, so appeals to the world to help them return and not to remain displaced from their lands and homes.