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Abu Faisal: There is no life in Tel Abiyad with the Turkish-backed opposition factions



حجم الخط:

Jihan Muhammad
Editing (S.D.)
Translated by: Hejar Abbo
“We went out in very difficult circumstances from Tal Abiyad / Ggere Sipi, and we took illegal paths for fear of retaliation for our exit by the armed factions”.
The family of “Abu Faisal”, a displaced person to Al Tapqqa, along with other families, did not have options to complete life in Tel Abiyad / Ggere Sipi, after the Turkish aggression and the Syrian armed opposition factions (the Syrian National Army) to occupy areas in “East of the Euphrates / Rojava / North- East of Syria.”
“Abu Faisal” says that he and his family were displaced to Tapqqa, as a result of the Turkish bombardment and the factions of the Syrian armed opposition to the countryside of Tal Abiyad, stressing that the factions committed grave violations by stealing, robbing and looting of property, in addition to kidnapping civilians. “We tried to stay as much as we could, but the treatment pushed us out”.
In Tapqqa, Abu Faisal and other families are still suffering from difficult conditions, due to the lack of availability of housing, while their eyes are looking toward return. “Our return depends on Turkey and the factions leaving and finding an international solution for the region. There must be someone to protect us”.
Abu Faisal appeals to help them with housing and also for humanitarian organizations to support the displaced. Abu Faisal says that the majority of Tal Abiyad residents have been displaced towards the southern regions, and there is no longer a possibility to return to Tal Abiyad in light of the presence of the factions, “the people need support and assistance”.
Since October 9, 2019, the Turkish aggression started to support the Syrian armed opposition factions to occupy the areas of Tal Abiyad / Ggere Sipi and Serekaniye / Ras Al-Ain