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Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) dismisses her media coordinator in Europe on the back of abusive statements on live



حجم الخط:

On Wednesday afternoon, the Syrian Democratic Council issued a statement, in which it dismissed “Ibrahim Ibrahim,” the media coordinator of SDC in Europe, against the background of statements containing “abuse and incitement”, made to the media and on live.

In a television program on Tuesday, Ibrahim had insulted the people of Idlib in a letter describing incitement.

The dismissal decision was preceded by a statement issued by SDC on Wednesday morning, as an explanation of the consideration that what was included in the speech of “Ibrahim” is considered personal and does not represent the policy of “SDC”.

In contact with “Amjad Othman,” SDC’s official spokesman, who told ASO News, they are satisfied with the clarification issued by them, which was stated in the dismissal statement, which stated, “Ibrahim’s statements are far from SDC’s stances and do not represent them, they only represent his personal opinions.”

The statement indicated that, as of April 15, 2020, Ibrahim had no connection with the activities of the Syrian Democratic Council.

And Ibrahim Ibrahim, in a television program with Syria TV, gave a speech describing abuse of more than two million people in Idlib.