Abu Hanan: daily porter… daily workers paid the price of coronavirus

Aso – Ahmed Damlakhy
Corona’s impact was not only on the economy of countries, but simple families were also affected by the virus, and the price was paid by the poor, especially after the curfew imposed by governments and the cessation of all work.
Daily workers in Manbij, in north and east Syria, are suffering stronger than all sector employees, as they live for what they earn a day.
“Abu Hanan” daily worker “porter” in Manbij recounted his suffering to Aso News correspondent saying, “I have stopped working since the self-administration imposed the curfew, and I do not know how my family and I will live if the ban continues more than that.”
Stopping work exposes us to the need, especially with merchants exploiting the crisis and raising the prices of food commodities, even medical supplies have increased their prices during the crisis, from where do people like me from daily workers and porters get money and we are now sitting at home?
* Image from network archive