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An elderly from Afrin loses his life coercion after kidnapping three of his sons, and plundering and looting of his property



حجم الخط:

Local activists from Afrin said that the elderly “Rifaat Sido” known as “Rifaat Khosyono” lost his life as a result of a stroke because “Mohammad Al Fateh Brigade” faction kidnapped his sons and seized his properties.

The faction, backed by the Turkish occupation, intentionally seized a real estate document owned by Rifaat, located near Afrin Stadium, as well as seizing his Verna vehicle, a Brix agricultural tractor, and a Hyundai pickup.

We had mentioned in a previous report about the faction of the “Brigade of Mohammad al-Fateh” storming the house of “Rifaat Sido” on April 04, 2020, and the kidnapping of two of his sons and grandson, who are: the grandson “Rifaat Sido” and his father “Saif Al-Din Sido” (55 years) and his brother Shervan Sido (25 years old) and taking them to a prison in the village of Kafar Janah.

During this storming operation, large sums of money and gold items were stolen from his home, and this operation came after the faction learned that “Rafaat” is from the wealthy people in the city of Afrin.