The residents refused to stay more … 20 Russian military vehicles stationed in the village of Derna Aghi for one day, no more

Aso News Network correspondent said that about 20 Russian military vehicles arrived on Tuesday morning to “Derena Aghi” village in the countryside of Tirbe Sipiye / Al-Qahtaniyah.
The correspondent said that the majority of the people of the village refused to keep the Russian armored vehicles in the village, while the Russian forces promised to stay for one day only.
And local sources said that the Russian forces were stationed with their vehicles in an existing tent, which the villagers had allocated for funeral ceremonies inside the village.
The presence of Russian forces accompanied, on Tuesday afternoon, the rotation of two Russian military helicopters in the sky of the village for a few minutes before leaving the village.
The protest of the people is due to the lack of confidence in Russia, and the background of the loss of a life of a farmer from the village by the Turkish side at the hands of the Turkish border guards, while he was plowing his land from the Syrian side of the border.
The people consider that Russia is part of the ceasefire agreement.
A Russian patrol had visited the condolence funeral of farmers at the time and promised to provide protection to farmers, but the residents consider that Russia is part of the agreement with Turkey and that it has not kept its promises.
*Image from the network archive