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Young man arrested and another torture in a series of daily violations in Afrin



حجم الخط:

Young “Hussein Qaro”, a resident of Jenderes district, was severely tortured by members of the Syrian armed opposition factions, backed by the Turkish occupier.

Hussein’s torture came after a complaint lodged by a settler, on the pretext that he was grazing sheep in the field that the settler seized.

Local activists in Afrin said that the settler informed the elements of “Nur al-Din al-Zanki” faction that “Hussein” directed his flock to the settler land so that the young man would be arrested and severely tortured based on the settler’s suit.

In parallel, the young “Shiro Jamil Maho” resident of the village of Ma’amala / Oshaghi was arrested by members of the Civil Police, on charges of dealing with the self-administration previously.

“Shiro” was taken to the civilian police headquarters in Raju district, and his fate remains unknown from the moment of his arrest