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Afrin: A series of new violations against the indigenous people … The aim is to displace them



حجم الخط:

Local activists in Afrin said that the well-known tailor “Abd al-Qadim Jalal” was stabbed with a sharp object after being lured by a settler, on the pretext that there were quantities of yarns he wanted to sell to him.

According to the activists, “Jalal” was beaten and stabbed with a sharp object as soon as he got home, and was subsequently referred to a hospital in the city.

And the faction of “Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih” who control the village of “Korkan Fawqani” summoned Professor “Khoshnav Hasan” to their headquarters in the village.

The professor responded to them and visited them, but he has disappeared since then, and the faction members denied their knowledge of the professor’s disappearance to be clarified after that they kidnapped him and transferred him to a prison in al-Ra`i without knowing the reasons of the kidnapping.

The violations of those factions supported by the Turkish occupation against the residents of Afrin do not stop.

Ali Mustafa Hassan from the people of the village of “Korkan Tahatani” was beaten and insulted while grazing his sheep and was expelled from the field where he feeds his sheep and stole sheep he owns.

The young man, Ahmed Ezzat Alo (21 years), from the village of Kassala Khadria, was brutally beaten, which led to a broken leg and severe injuries to his head and face, on the pretext of his handling with the Autonomous Administration previously.

However, according to sources from the village, the reason is his demand by the “Sultan Murad” faction to pay royalties for the well he owns.

“Ahmed” paid a quarter of the amount he earned from the well, but then refused to complete the payment, so the faction members beat him and insulted him.