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Turkish intelligence is carrying out a campaign of arrests targeting civilians in the countryside of Maabatli



حجم الخط:

Local activists from Afrin said that members of the Syrian armed factions, with the support of Turkish intelligence, carried out an arrest campaign in the village of “Arab Sheikh” in the Maabatli district in Afrin countryside.

Activists added that 16 civilians from the village were arrested under false pretenses. Among the detainees, “Mohammad Mohammad,” “Mohammad Hassan Ayoub”, “Jamal Aboush”, “Ali Abdo Aboush”, “Mohammad Abdo Aboush” and “ Fouad Abd Mohamed ”.

Later, some of the detainees were released after being forced to pay a ransom of 500$, and those who refused to pay the ransom were transferred to the Military Police headquarters in Afrin.

It is worth noting that this campaign of arrests was not limited to the village of “Arab Sheikh”, but extended to many villages. The reason for the arrest is that the detainees were out on guard duty during the period of the Autonomous Administration’s control.

According to activists, these arrests come under direct orders from the Turkish occupation.