The Grievance Redress Committee in Afrin is ink on paper … the factions continue to plunder and pillage

Despite the formation of the Grievance Redress Committee in Afrin to prevent the imposition of taxes on the olive season, and work to return homes to their owners, the Syrian opposition factions continue to impose taxes and trade in the property of the people.
Local activists from Afrin said that the factions supported by the Turkish occupation impose an amount of two US dollars on each olive tree, whether fruitful or not, and also trade in the properties of the Kurdish people, whether homes or shops.
The activists added that all that was promoted about a number of factions forming a committee to redress grievances and return the property of the people stolen from them are unfounded, and the armed groups that continue to plunder and rob the rights of the people have not committed to it.
A member of the “Army of Islam” faction sold a house belonging to “Aslan Othman”, located in Ashrafieh neighbourhood of Afrin, to a settler from Idlib, for $ 650 USD.
The house is not covered, and it is expected that a charity working to encourage the settlement process will secure doors and windows for them.