The Syrian opposition has arrested a number of youths in Afrin countryside, on charges of previously dealing with the Autonomous Administration

Local activists from Afrin said that the Turkish occupation backed military police stormed the villages of Goran and Kafr Safra on Sunday, and arrested a number of Kurdish youths, accused of previously dealing with the Autonomous Administration.
The arrest took place at five in the morning when ten cars loaded with Turkish military and intelligence police and Turkish armored vehicles stormed the homes of the wanted men.
They arrested seven young men from the village of Goran and four from the village of Kafr Safra, and they were transferred to the military police headquarters in Afrin, and their fate remains unknown.
These young men had previously been arrested, tried and paid a ransom for their release. According to the activists, the youths were re-arrested with the intention of blackmailing them and paying the ransom again.
The required ransom is estimated at about thousand Turkish liras.