ISIS families fleeing Al-Hole camp are present in several neighborhoods of Serekaniye

Private sources from the city of Serekaniye / Ras al-Ain told ASO news network that the “Syrian National Army” factions that work under the banner of the Turkish occupation are sheltering ISIS families, fleeing from Al-Hole camp in the southern countryside of Hasakah.
The sources confirmed that the armed factions are housing these families in the homes of the displaced from the city, for a rent of one thousand dollars a month.
The sources explained that the Turkish occupation and the affiliated Syrian factions rule the whereabouts of the families, “after it was revealed that there were families belonging to ISIS in the city.”
The sources said that four families who belong to ISIS, who hold Iraqi citizenship, reside in Al Masraf Al Ziraai neighborhood in the city, in the house of one of the Kurds displaced.
She added that another family is staying in the house of a displaced person as well, across from the chicken market in the city.
ASO News Network obtained information from some of the city’s residents, stating that these women live in isolation and avoid mixing with others, while the “Syrian National Army” factions are securing the needs of these families.
In the context, the local council of the Syrian Interim Government in the city issued a book, on Monday, ASO News Network obtained a copy of, inviting Iraqi people residing in the city of Serekaniye / Ras Al-Ain and its countryside, to come to the Directorate of Civil Affairs and Civil Affairs in the city, to obtain identity cards for them.