A treatment process was started to a depth of 12 m in the town of Tel Halaf

The People’s Municipality in Sere Kaniye announced on Monday, July 30, 2018, the start of processing and filling a 12-meter deep grove in the town of Tal Halaf. Hassan Maree, the joint head of the municipality of Tel Halaf, said that the municipality hastened to fill the tunnel in the main street in Tal Halaf Adding that this grove did not cause any damage when it occurred a week ago.
Maree pointed out that the municipality works in the first stage to fill the pit resulting from the encroachment with basaltic rock blocks and then brushes the overseaizo, then cement will be added to link the stones together.
The joint head of Tel Halaf Municipality said that the caveat is due to leakage in the sewage pipes. In the second phase of the treatment, the sewage pipes will be maintained and rehabilitated for a length of 4 meters. The excavation will be completed in a maximum of one week.
* Photo from Aso News Network Archive