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Taa Marbouta

The major role of parents in the prevention of children from extremism .. in an active for Aso News Network in Raqqa



حجم الخط:

The prevention and response of extremist thought is an educational and social responsibility that rests on the institutions of society in all its categories, such as family, school, university and religious institutions. And the fact that the family is the first incubator of individuals and the first institution of education and the basis in the protection of children from intellectual extremism, and as young people are the most age groups exposed to extremist thought, the family must play a positive role to prevent and protect children from extremist ideas.

As a result of this responsibility, Aso news network and Taa-Marbouta organization organized a training activity targeting a group of young people in the city of Raqqa under the title “Parents’ Role in the Education Process to Combat and Eliminate Extremist Ideology”.

Lana Hassan, Media and Communication Officer at Taa-Mrabouta, said that targeting young people today stems from their family role as future sons, husbands and fathers to provide them with skills that will contribute to the protection of the new generation of extremist ideas. Consequently, the family must follow and take several measures that Protect their children from extremist ideas. ”

” Omar Atti” the trainer talked about the training and what he carried in his group of exercises, questions and discussion topics by saying: “Today we gave the role of parents in raising children and the period they experienced during the control of ISIS, as we discussed the role of parents and school and places of worship and how to deal with the child and dialogue with him under the current circumstances to depart him from the effects of the remain of radical thought. I am the son of Raqqa and I have long known that it is the city of coexistence. The land of customs and traditions in this city is fertile ground for coexistence and far from extremism and violence. ”

“The war has affected the psyche of the society,” he said. “What young people need today are courses that contribute to what can be called” psychological rehabilitation, “training and providing them with life skills that will ensure their start to build their city and live in peace”, Atti said
He pointed out that “The role of civil society institutions is very important,” said Atti. “Civil society must play its role in promoting the values ​​of humanity and coexistence.

“Hossam Al-Jaber” one of the young participants of these courses mentioned that the training contributed to increase information in dealing with our children and our dialogue with them and how to raise them in a safe way to ensure their progress on the path of moderation and accept the other and work for the community to which he belongs.

We always need courses to refine our skills and to teach us something new and new skill. Where the youth rely on the transfer of information to the rest of the community and therefore the development of young people means the development of the entire society.